Attract and retain talent with Corporate Social Responsibility


How to attract and retain talent with CSR

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues: how they can boost attractiveness as an employer

While corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been talked about since the 1950s, it has taken on a whole new dimension in recent years due to the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. With companies now aware of the interdependent relationship they have with society, they must align their growth ambitions with environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.


The war for talent that has been raging since the late 1990s, and more recently the wave of resignations linked to the health crisis, have completely changed the way HR departments recruit and manage human resources. Individuals, seeking meaning in their work, are now looking to align their personal values with those of their employer. In other words, an ESG policy can boost your attractiveness as an employer.


Why developing a CSR policy can increase your attractiveness as an employer


The digital transformation, accelerated by the democratization of remote work, has redefined the range of skills expected in many sectors. It has also exacerbated the talent war already underway. As a result, recruiting the right people with the right skills has become a major challenge.


In order to attract talent, it is no longer enough to offer attractive packages: you must also demonstrate that your company’s CSR policies are more robust than just releasing an annual report. On a societal level, these fundamental changes in the labor market have helped open the doors to gender equality, diversity and inclusion. For example, digitalization and automation have given people with disabilities access to a wider variety of jobs, especially in the logistics sector, which previously required physical strength.


In this sector, which has been suffering from a chronic labor shortage, it is difficult to recruit and retain people with the right skills. Encouraging gender parity, inclusion and diversity offers access to a larger pool of talent while enhancing your employer brand.

How can you boost your CSR policy and with it your employability?


Enhancing your employer brand is about more than public relations. The ESG commitments you communicate must be reflected in the company culture in order to help retain top talent.


In order to fulfill their societal role and meet the criteria on which their stakeholders, customers and employees will judge them by, companies will have to make concrete commitments.


These commitments can take a variety of forms through various means, including:

  • training programs
  • onboarding processes
  • internal surveys on quality of life work and life balance, etc.


Encouraging the adoption of a new company culture is an investment and requires change management. If employees are happy, it will increase employee engagement and this will have a direct impact on the company's performance. Employees feeling job satisfaction will improve your:

  • service quality by being more invested
  • profitability by being more efficient
  • brand image thanks to their diversity and dedication
  • attractiveness on the talent market and to potential partners who share your values


What we do to promote CSR


At GEODIS, we believe that although diversity is primarily a social issue, it has also become an economic one. We have chosen to approach this issue from two angles: diversity as well as inclusion and gender parity.


Promoting diversity & inclusion


Inclusion Committees have been in place at the regional and global level for just over two years. The employees on this committee are responsible for implementing programs, measures, and initiatives that will help make GEODIS an Inclusive Company.

For example, several French gas sites have decided to train job seekers in the transportation of hazardous materials. This training-based inclusion program is carried out in collaboration with the Unemployment Office and training agencies; it has led to the recruitment of some twenty drivers with permanent contracts in a field where it is difficult to find workers.


Some regions have also developed job programs for people with disabilities. In the United States, GEODIS has successfully recruited people with autism to perform tasks requiring high concentration. In France, during the European week for the employment of people with disabilities, our Duo Days initiatives (day of discovery of professions by people with disabilities) are beginning to grow. We have gone from 11 duos in 2021 to 34 in 2022


Developing gender parity


The GEODIS Women's Network (GWN) is the group's largest influence network, with over 360 active members. Chaired by Anne-Elisabeth Duchesne, Director of the FMCG vertical market, this internal network brings together women and men to encourage gender parity and changes in attitudes and habits.

In order to help achieve gender equality throughout the group and ensure that women hold 25% of key positions by 2023, the network helps women boost their career development and put together a dynamic and concrete career plan. In particular, it runs a development program in Europe called "Ladies First" to help women develop and improve their leadership.


Want to know more about how to retain best employees thanks to CSR ?


Have a look at this useful article : GEODIS in Spain wins the “Overseas Employer of the Year” award from Investors In People (IIP)

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Audrey Lemaître

Talent Acquisition & Diversity Manager

Audrey has been in HR development position for 12 years and has significant experience in change management and HR projects. Prior to joining GEODIS, Audrey spent 5 years as Generalist HR with a specific role in recruiting. In his current role at GEODIS, she brings this experience to ensure that GEODIS’ recruits develops and retains talented people to support GEODIS’ growth.