GEODIS // 2022 Activity and Sustainability Report

The main challenges of sustainability In this changing world, and in order to generate value over both the short and the long term for customers, employees and partners, its shareholder and society at large, GEODIS has identified the main sustainability challenges to enable it to reduce risks and continue its growth. GEODIS has identified six major challenges which the Group is addressing and which are discussed in various sections of the present document. Climate (see section 3.1) Faced with the global climate challenge, GEODIS is determined to act responsibly by following a path to decarbonization in compliance with the Paris Agreement. The Group has been taking concrete action for many years to reduce the intensity of its greenhouse gas emissions and is working on updating its commitments according to a Science-Based Targets (SBT) approach covering scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. Alongside the actions being taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, GEODIS has launched a strategy to adapt to the effects of climate change. Innovation & digitalization (see section 1.6) GEODIS’s capacity for innovation is a key differentiator compared to its competitors, a means of creating value for its customers and a major lever for growth and performance. Data management and digital technologies are two fundamental dimensions of digital transformation. This transformation will assist the support functions in their drive for business excellence, management and internal control processes, and the lines of business in their operational processes and new offerings. Security & cybersecurity (see section 5.4) In view of the increasing digitalization of processes and the sharing of sensitive information with its customers, GEODIS is constantly adapting its prevention, detection and protection capabilities for its IT systems. Talent acquisition & retention (see section 4.3) In the context of a talent war caused by the fluidity of the job market and a growing desire for professional fulfillment, GEODIS is making changes to its practices. As it focuses on attracting, developing and retaining talent, the Group is addressing the challenge of satisfying the new needs expressed by candidates and existing employees alike. Environmental impact (see sections 3.2 and 3.3) Fully aware of the environmental impact of logistics and transport activities and the growth in demand, GEODIS is committed not only to lowering its greenhouse gas emissions but also to reducing its environmental footprint. The Group is concerned about the decline in biodiversity, especially due to the pressure that the construction and management of its infrastructures can create on the environment. GEODIS is already carrying out actions in favor of biodiversity at its existing sites and integrating this dimension into its new projects. GEODIS is also striving to limit the impact of its activities on air quality and public health. In particular, the Group is developing a competitive low-emission delivery service adapted to the environmental issues facing city centers. Circular economy (see section 3.4) Responsible resource management is a major challenge for society and the economy. The development of the circular economy is creating new flows to enable the recovery, processing, repair and recycling of products. This transition offers new business opportunities for the Group which, at the same time, is endeavoring to limit the use of non-renewable resources and to minimize its waste production. 1.5 Strategy By 2022, GEODIS had achieved the objectives it had set in 2018 in its Ambition 2023 strategic plan. As part of this plan, which is based on three key areas (business excellence, innovation, and acquisitions), GEODIS had set a target for 2023 of around 20% organic growth in revenues and multiplying its operating margin by a factor of 1.7. GEODIS’s financial performance has given it considerable room for maneuver for innovation and investment, both organic and through targeted acquisitions. The Group has been able to seize acquisition opportunities in the logistics market (Keppel and Need It Now Delivers in 2022), expanding its range of services in Asia and the Americas. The new Ambition 2027 strategic plan should therefore be seen as a natural continuation of the previous plan, further developing its ambition in terms of operational, financial, social and environmental performance. GEODIS’s strategy is designed to strengthen its position as a leader in sustainable and innovative end-to-end logistics solutions to help its customers succeed and grow around the world. This strategy is based on three pillars, each imbued with the Group’s innovative spirit and its capacity for investment: expertise in its core businesses, digital transformation and external growth. 17 2022 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT EDITORIAL > CSR POLICY > ENVIRONMENT > SOCIAL > ETHICS > TABLE OF INDICATORS > PROFILE AND AMBITION