GEODIS // 2022 Activity and Sustainability Report

The multi-channel businesses of the Group’s customers (traditional stores and online sales) combined with multiple end-customer delivery strategies (“ship from store” from warehouses and “click & collect” from stores) require powerful software for realtime inventory tracking, calculation of replenishment strategies and order allocation, and tracking of shipments and deliveries (DOM [Distributed Order Management] systems). GEODIS and its software partner have established themselves as leaders in this fi eld. Accelerating the digital transformation The latest technological advances now make it possible to embrace an increasingly high portion of the complexity of the logistics industry, encompassing a significant number of distinct concepts required for present-day supply chain operations. Digital technology and other new technologies combine to intensify communication and data flows, providing better visibility of the arrival times of parcels and containers consigned to the Group by its customers. These communication flows must be secure, to protect customer data, but also resilient, to ensure an optimal level of service. The use of data captured, stored, transformed and then transmitted via the IT system and digital channels generates gains not only in functional but also operational efficiency (optimized truck journeys, speed of last-mile deliveries, verification of transport conditions under stress – low temperature, real-time monitoring). Artificial intelligence is increasingly enabling GEODIS to make use of predictive models and suggest complementary logistics services from the Group’s catalog of offerings. GEODIS can thus develop cross-selling and build customer loyalty through end-toend operations, with the associated offer of greater visibility. On a more general level, digital technology also enables the Group to better integrate its ecosystem partners, with the aim of offering the most appropriate service to its customers. In addition, GEODIS is participating in the development of SDL (Shared Data Language), a standard for the world of logistics, in order to encourage the integration of “small” players within the value chain. The challenge is to limit the effects of lock-in by promoting free and fair competition and increasing the efficiency of the endto-end supply chain. GEODIS’s commitment to innovation is reflected in the following highlights of 2022: > The “You See You Act” safety reporting application Developed by safety teams in the APAC region and tested in Malaysia, a smartphone application allows any employee to report risky situations using a simple photo and a description to locate the hazard. The report is transmitted to the safety teams to implement a solution and follow-up tables are generated automatically. Implementation of the application halved the number of workplace accidents within six months. > The Tindsales business development algorithm Effective business development relies on making full use of data on current and prospective customers. GEODIS has developed an algorithm that actively allocates prospective customers to the most appropriate sales representatives based on their area of expertise, geographical area and availability. The algorithm is refined by selflearning based on business generated and sales successes. > Autostore GEODIS commissioned a number of major goods-to-person robotic order picking facilities in 2022. The largest of these is located in the United States, in Ohio. It is designed for a fashion brand, serving both its e-commerce channel and its 1,000 stores. Based on Autostore technology, it is currently the facility with the world’s fastest processing rate, handling some 270,000 order lines per day. 20 2022 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 01 PROFILE AND AMBITION