Activity and sustainability report 2023

2. 2.1 CSR policy GEODIS is committed to providing its customers with sustainable logistics solutions addressing both social and environmental issues. GEODIS is focused on developing low-carbon solutions, reducing the impact of its activities on the environment, continuously improving the health, safety and well-being of its employees, and acting ethically and responsibly in its relations with its partners. GEODIS’s CSR policy has been developed in accordance with the main international frameworks, namely: ● the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) guidelines for multinational enterprises; ● the principles and rights set out in the eight fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO); ● the principles and rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights; ● the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; ● the United Nations Global Compact (GEODIS has been a signatory since 2003). In addition, GEODIS has adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and has integrated seven of these SDGs into its policy, corresponding to its activity and its areas of operation (see section 2.2). As far as the fight against global warming is concerned, GEODIS has aligned its policy with the 2015 Paris Agreement, which aims to keep the increase in average global temperature well below 2°C in comparison with pre-industrial levels, and to maintain efforts to limit this increase to 1.5°C. To support its CSR objectives, the Group also relies on a number of benchmarks, international standards, norms and guidelines, which include : ● the Global Reporting Initiative’s CSR reporting; ● the GHG Protocol, a standard for measuring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions; ● the ISO 14001 standard for environmental management; ● the ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001) standard for occupational health and safety management; ● the SQAS (Safety & Quality Assessment for Sustainability) system to assess performance in terms of quality, safety and the environment; ● the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) Framework V2 to measure the CO2 emissions of multimodal logistics chains; ● customer-specific and sector-specific CSR standards; ● the Investors in People standard covering management and leadership; ● the GEEIS label, a European and international standard for professional gender equality. 2.1.1 Double materiality analysis GEODIS performed its first double materiality(1) analysis in 2023, to prioritize and update the CSR issues facing the Group. This materiality analysis was carried out principally through consulting its main stakeholders, both internal and external, and adopting a double materiality approach. A double materiality analysis consists of examining impacts from two different angles: the Company’s impact on society and the environment and, inversely, the impact of society on the Company. The double materiality approach is one of the objectives of the new sustainability reporting framework, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which came into effect on January 1, 2024. The GEODIS materiality analysis was carried out under the supervision of the Sustainability Department, with the assistance of external consultants. An in-house team representing various lines of business and regions was set up to contribute to the study and ensure the involvement of the various stakeholders. The entire process was supervised by a steering committee consisting of five members of the Group’s Management Board. The double materiality analysis was conducted in three phases: 1 selection of the sustainability issues (environmental, social and governance) that are potentially material for GEODIS. The project steering committee finally signed off on a list of 25 key materiality issues; 2 consultation of internal and external stakeholders and consultation of experts. More than 50 individual interviews were conducted with internal stakeholders (managers, employees, trade unions and employee representative bodies) and external stakeholders (customers, suppliers and subcontractors, commercial partners, the academic community, the financial community, local and regional stakeholders, public authorities, civil society, etc.). In addition to these individual interviews, the importance of key materiality issues was also assessed in the annual employee engagement survey and in the annual customer satisfaction survey. A workshop consisting of around ten employees from different regions was also organized to assess the issues according to the principle of double materiality; 3 consolidation and construction of the matrix based on the consultations carried out and on international standards and databases. Several international standards and expert contributions have been consolidated. (1) 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT - 29 EDITORIAL > 1. PROFILE AND AMBITION > 2. CSR POLICY > 3. ENVIRONMENT > 4. SOCIAL > 5. ETHICS > 6. TABLE OF INDICATORS