Activity and sustainability report 2023

2. Corporate social responsibility policy 2.3 Stakeholders GEODIS maintains an ongoing dialogue with its stakeholders, making it possible to identify their expectations and changes over time, to know the level of satisfaction with the Group’s actions, to identify possible risks for any of the parties and also to seize opportunities to develop new solutions together. The double materiality analysis carried out by the Group in 2023 is an integral part of our belief in dialogue with our stakeholders. Indeed, an understanding of each stakeholder’s priorities helps to guide the Group in making decisions and defining its commitments. Through dialogue with stakeholders, GEODIS can also express its values, commitments and CSR policy and develop them further. This dialogue is a strong vector for the development of trust with each stakeholder, for the sustainability of the relationship and ultimately for the creation of common value. Customers: being our customers’ growth partner GEODIS is committed to providing its customers with the highest quality products and services in line with its CSR commitments all along its value chain. Relevant topics: greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation to climate change, operational excellence, continuous improvement, confidentiality, security of systems and data protection, service quality. Form of dialogue: regular interactions with customers, business reviews, customer satisfaction survey, customer events. Employees: being a committed, attractive employer GEODIS maintains a regular dialogue with its employees and with personnel representation bodies to promote a highquality social dialogue that balances the economic reality of the business with internal social expectations. Relevant topics: health and safety of employees and third parties, developing and attracting talent, talent retention, social dialogue, working conditions and well-being at work. Form of dialogue: daily interactions between employees and managers, Code of Conduct, employee satisfaction survey, performance appraisal and career development process, internal communications. Suppliers and subcontractors: uniting our partners around our commitments GEODIS depends on a large network of suppliers, partners and subcontractors in order to deliver the best quality of service to its customers. Relevant topics: sustainable logistics chain (ethics, social and environmental standards), respect for human rights, fair partnership and long-term vision. Form of dialogue: Group purchasing policy, “Know Your Business Partner” initiative, Code of Conduct, data protection charter, business reviews. Partners: engaging in open and respectful dialogue Acknowledged as a world leader in logistics services, the Group is involved in professional organizations, employers’ federations and numerous working groups (Smart Freight Centre, European Clean Trucking Alliance, etc.). In this way, the Group seeks to play its part in bringing the industry’s views to the attention of regulatory authorities, government agencies, etc. Relevant topics: creation of value for the whole logistics chain. Form of dialogue: involvement in working groups, membership of organizations related to industry issues. Shareholder and financial analysts: sharing and improving ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) performance With investors paying increasing attention to ESG criteria, GEODIS is committed to integrating these requirements, reinforcing its exchanges with non-financial rating organizations and answering analysts’ questions, to improve its ESG performance and to better meet the expectations of its stakeholders. Relevant topics: economic performance, responsible communications, responsible and transparent governance. Form of dialogue: responding to questionnaires for nonfinancial ratings and evaluating the Group’s climate strategy, financial communications, annual report. 34 - 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT