Activity and sustainability report 2023

3. Environment Mindful of the environmental impact of logistics and transport activities and of the growth in demand, GEODIS is fully committed to both reducing greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric pollutants and managing resources in a respectful manner. The Group is committed to developing environmentally friendly solutions for its customers: low-carbon alternative transport, multimodal solutions, virtuous circular economy loops, etc. 3. ENVIRONMENT ACTING FOR THE CLIMATE AND REDUCING OUR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 2022 and 2023 emissions by scope (in ktCO2e) (2) (2) Comments on this graph can be found on page 47, below the graph. 2022 2023 Scope 3 3,512 Scope 1 260 Scope 2 (market‑based) 72 Scope 2 (market‑based) 71 Scope 3 3,866 Scope 1 321 4,259 3,843 40 - 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT OUR OBJECTIVES Reduce polluting emissions to mitigate exposure for people and ecosystems Optimize the use of natural resources by applying the “reduce, reuse, recycle” approach Reduce the Group’s carbon footprint and adapt to climate change OUR RESULTS Percentage of surfaces in buildings with LED lighting (1) 2021 48% 2022 59% 2023 62% Number of alternative vehicles in the GEODIS fleet: electric (cargo bikes, vans), hybrid, natural gas, biogas and B100 (1) 2021 104 2022 238 2023 356 selected key figures (1) Excluding acquisitions Need It Now Delivers and trans-o-flex.