Activity and sustainability report 2023

3. These targets are gradually being implemented in various sectors, including transport. For air transport, the Refuel EU regulation adopted in 2023 aims to gradually increase the share of sustainable fuels distributed in airports: at least 2% in 2025, 6% in 2030, 20% in 2035, reaching 70% in 2050. These regulations are ambitious, but still not enough. In addition, GEODIS offers its customers support in the transition to sustainable fuels with biofuels derived from waste or residues under the principle of Book & Claim. A multimodal road-rail solution to decarbonize supply chains In 2023, GEODIS shared its know-how with a major customer, an automobile manufacturing group, which wanted to reduce CO2 emissions from its replacement parts supply chain. To transport replacement parts from Italy to France, GEODIS offered a multimodal solution in which some of the parts are shipped by rail. The remainder are transported by road, using mega-trailers with greater load capacity, thereby lowering the fuel consumption. Thanks to this solution, the customer both reduced CO2 emissions from its replacement parts logistics by 63% and cut transport costs. Other multimodal flow opportunities are being studied with the same customer in Spain and Poland. Better working conditions thanks to a more economical heating solution In the United Kingdom, GEODIS teams have rethought their use of infra-red heating to meet energy-saving requirements, as well as opting for a less expensive solution with a lower environmental impact. At Lichfield, the site’s infra-red heating systems, located above the workstations, have been replaced with heat mats, designed to provide employees with a more comfortable working environment. This solution brings further benefits: it reduces CO2 emissions by 90%, and cuts winter energy bills by 90% compared with the previous heating solution. A new modal shift platform in Puyoô With the aim of providing its customers with an effective alternative to road transport, GEODIS has set up a new combined rail-road transport platform in Puyoô, in southwestern France, which has been operational since September 2023. The Group has invested nearly a million euros to establish the new facility along with the landowner (SNCF Réseau), the local rail operator (OFP Sud-Ouest) and the Region (Nouvelle-Aquitaine), on a site that had been unused for over 20 years. GEODIS operates four rotations per week, offering a loading capacity of 64 intermodal transport units (ITUs) per week between Puyoô and Lavéra, in the south-east of France. This new platform is hoping to increase the number of containers transported from 500 in 2020 to around 3,000 per year in 2024, reducing the number of trucks on the roads. GEODIS operates an average of 100 trains a week, making it a leader in combined transport in France and Europe. 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT - 45 EDITORIAL > 1. PROFILE AND AMBITION > 2. CSR POLICY > 3. ENVIRONMENT > 4. SOCIAL > 5. ETHICS > 6. TABLE OF INDICATORS