Activity and sustainability report 2023

3. Environment Despite an increase of more than 15% in the surface area operated, electricity and natural gas consumption fell slightly (-3%), due to a slowdown in activity at certain sites, combined with energy efficiency actions. The increase in natural gas consumption is mainly due to the integration of trans-o-flex. Purchases of renewable energy have risen by 41%, from 44.43 GWh in 2022 to 62.64 GWh in 2023. Targets GEODIS is committed to playing its part in decarbonizing the economy, and has defined new emission reduction targets based on a scientific approach (Science Based Targets), covering scopes 1, 2 and 3. To define its decarbonization strategy, GEODIS has set 2022 as its reference year. 2022 was affected both by a redistribution of needs, and therefore volumes, in the wake of the public health crisis, and by the Group’s significant acquisitions. GEODIS’s new objectives are as follows: ● for scopes 1 and 2, i.e., emissions from its fleet and buildings, the Group is committed to reducing its emissions by 42% in absolute terms by 2030 compared with 2022, i.e., a target of 228 ktCO2e. This target is in line with the objective of limiting the global average temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels; ● for scope 3(1), which covers indirect emissions, the Group is, for 78% of its emissions, committed to: ● reducing the emissions intensity of subcontracted transport per tonne-kilometer by 30% by 2030 compared with 2022, i.e., a target of 26.1 gCO2e/tkm, ● reducing by 25% the absolute emissions linked to the extraction, production and transport of fuels and energy not included in scopes 1 and 2 by 2030 compared with the 2022 reference year, ● reducing absolute emissions linked to the use of sold products by 42% by 2030, compared with the 2022 reference year. For GEODIS, category 3.11 represents the sale of fuel and coal in Poland, a marginal activity accounting for less than 1% of Group sales in 2022. These scope 3 targets are in line with the target of limiting the global average temperature increase to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Action plans: scopes 1 and 2 For the 2022 reference year, 70% of GEODIS’s scope 1 and 2 emissions were generated by freight transport (road and air) and 30% by warehouses, offices and company cars. The Group’s decarbonization efforts are based, in part, on the energy transition of the vehicle fleet, which will extend beyond 2030 as alternative energies, technologies and infrastructures become available to cover all uses. On the other hand, decarbonization levers for buildings can be activated immediately. The Group has observed a wide disparity in the energy performance of the buildings it operates. Regulatory requirements and energy costs, aimed at reducing consumption, vary widely from region to region. As most of the buildings operated by GEODIS are rented, energy efficiency initiatives are carried out in conjunction with the Group’s landlords and customers. (1) Exclusions: - 2022 acquisitions (Need It Now Delivers, Chemikals, Spedcont): 265 ktCO2e; - road and rail emissions of the Global Contract Logistics line of business: 315 ktCO2e; - other emissions: waste generated, commuting, business travel, purchases of goods and services other than freight: 415 ktCO2e. 48 - 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT