Activity and sustainability report 2023

3. Based on these findings, the Group estimates that over 60% of its 2030 target for scopes 1 and 2 can be achieved by focusing on buildings. The key levers for action are as follows: ● energy consumption in buildings: a 40% overall reduction in emissions thanks to energy efficiency projects and the use of LED technology for 100% of sites; ● electricity procurement: at least 90% low-carbon electricity (from renewable or nuclear sources); ● road transport: continued electrification and use of biofuels, biogas and hydrogen for the vehicle fleet; ● incorporation of sustainable fuel for air transport; ● zero-emission technologies for warehouse handling equipment. Action plans: scope 3 In 2022, GEODIS’s reference year, scope 3 emissions amounted to 3,866 ktCO2e(1). Since subcontracted freight transport accounts for a large proportion of these emissions, the Group’s main objective concerns the upstream transport and distribution, and more specifically three activities accounting for more than two-thirds of the Group’s scope 3 emissions: ● European Road Network (road and rail freight); ● Distribution & Express (parcel delivery and groupage by road freight); ● Global Freight Forwarding (air, road, sea and rail freight). For all three activities, GEODIS has chosen to set a global reduction target, covering all modes and all regions. The Group’s action plan focuses not only on improving carbon intensity, but also on shifting volumes to less carbon-intensive modes of transport (sea and rail): ● air transport: implementation of energy efficiency and optimization measures and increased use of sustainable air fuels; ● maritime transport: load optimization, energy efficiency measures and increased use of sustainable marine fuels; ● road transport: load optimization, energy efficiency measures, selection and support for road freight subcontractors in the transition of their fleets; ● rail transport: load optimization, energy efficiency measures and gradual electrification of trains; ● modal shift from road and air to rail and sea. Results This table summarizes GEODIS’s commitments and its 2023 performance within the scope of its commitments. (Total Group emissions are given on page 47.) 2022 (reference year) 2023 (scope of commitment) 2030 (target) Scopes 1 & 2 market-based* (ktCO2e) 393 318 228 Scope 3 Subcontracted transport (gCO2e/tkm) 37.3 40.1 26.1 Fuel and energy related activities not included in scopes 1 or 2 (ktCO2e) 73 64 55 Use of sold products (ktCO2e) 278 264 161 * The scope of commitment excludes trans-o-flex. In 2023, CO2 emissions from scopes 1 & 2 dropped by 19%, as a result of lower emissions from the GEODIS aircraft, whose activity slowed in 2023 due to lower market activity and flow redistribution. In addition, fuel consumption by the Group’s vehicle fleet decreased, notably because of optimized consumption in Europe and lower activity in the United States in the last quarter. Lastly, the use of gas for site heating was also reduced by implementing energy efficient measures and by a reduction in the level of activity. Scope 3 emissions were reduced due to the contraction in shipping activity, which was not offset by the improvement in intensity of road and air transport. Emissions from energies that are not included in scopes 1 & 2 have automatically fallen with the reduction in energy consumption. Emissions from the use of sold products fell because of lower sales. (1) This total does not take account of the emissions of 2022 acquisitions (Need It Now Delivers, Keppel Logistics), the emissions of Parcels Deliveries in the United States, purchases of goods and services other than freight, fixed assets and commuting. 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT - 49 EDITORIAL > 1. PROFILE AND AMBITION > 2. CSR POLICY > 3. ENVIRONMENT > 4. SOCIAL > 5. ETHICS > 6. TABLE OF INDICATORS