Activity and sustainability report 2023

The agility and resilience of our business model have been proven in recent months, inspiring us to strive now for even greater performance. This is reflected in our strategic plan, Ambition 2027, which calls for us to continue supporting our customers in their global logistics projects, and to accelerate the growth of our financial performance and operational quality, while giving our social and environmental commitments their rightful place, in line with our corporate purpose. On the environmental front, it is decarbonization that is driving our transformation. In compliance with the Paris Agreement, we have set targets of a 42% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from our fleet and buildings (scopes 1 and 2) and a 30% reduction in the carbon intensity of subcontracted transport (scope 3) by 2030, taking 2022 as our baseline year. We are deeply committed to achieving these targets, which will be subject to approval by the Science Based Targets initiative. We have rolled out a number of measures to achieve this, including continuing the transition of our fleet to low-carbon or bio-sourced energies, making lowcarbon deliveries in 40 French cities by the end of 2024, supporting our customers in optimizing flows and improving the energy efficiency of our sites. Thanks to this commitment and these actions, GEODIS has been recognized by the CDP organization for its leadership in 2023. As far as social issues are concerned, our Group is committed to cultivating an open and inclusive working environment and mindset. By 2023, GEODIS will have 39% female employees overall, 35% female managers and 22% female Top Executives. We continue to implement numerous initiatives to achieve professional gender equality, with our employees playing an active role. I am thinking in particular of the GEODIS Women’s Network, our dynamic global network which celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2023 and is designed to encourage the entry of women into management positions, while supporting them in their professional development. Professional diversity also means the inclusion of people with disabilities. GEODIS has a longstanding commitment in this area, and is developing partnerships to help people who are far removed from the workplace to return to stable employment. In September 2023, GEODIS launched a diagnostic study with Agefiph (a French organization that manages funds for the integration of people with disabilities) to develop an employment policy for people with disabilities. This will be rolled out in 2024. Our business would not exist if it were not for strong partnerships with our suppliers and subcontractors, who work with us to provide optimum service to our customers. We attach great importance to their expertise and to developing and maintaining relationships based on trust, and we are proud to be working with them on developing responsible logistics. GEODIS is very aware that much remains to be done. It is constantly striving to improve its CSR strategy. In this light, the Group carried out a double materiality analysis in 2023 as part of its dialogue with stakeholders. Discussed in this report, this analysis has enabled us to identify our priority sustainability issues, and the results obtained are guiding us in updating and enriching the Group’s CSR strategy. As a logistics provider, it’s our responsibility to ensure the continuous supply and distribution of goods that meet the essential needs of end-users. This is reflected in our corporate purpose, which is what always drives us to go the extra mile: Serving people by delivering their goods all around the world with innovative, sustainable and ethical logistics. I would like to end by paying tribute to the unwavering commitment of all our teams, who work day in and day out to fulfill our ambition of being a global operator, capable of offering each of our customers, from the largest groups to the smallest businesses, comprehensive, innovative and tailor-made logistics solutions. This commitment is a great strength, and it will play a key role in achieving the objectives of the Ambition 2027 plan. The teams’ expertise and capacity for constant adaptation enable our Group to be even closer to the aspirations of its customers and, of course, to constantly achieve higher levels of performance and responsibility. 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT - 5 EDITORIAL > 1. PROFILE AND AMBITION > 2. CSR POLICY > 3. ENVIRONMENT > 4. SOCIAL > 5. ETHICS > 6. TABLE OF INDICATORS