Activity and sustainability report 2023

4. Social GEODIS is committed to fostering the well-being and both the individual and collective development of its employees. The Group’s social policy is based on several priorities: guaranteeing people’s health and safety at all times, ensuring employee satisfaction and professional development, and promoting diversity and equal opportunity. The Group is also dedicated to the integration of and solidarity with the most disadvantaged people. 4. SOCIAL A RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYER COMMITTED TO PLAYING ITS ROLE IN SOCIETY 58 - 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT OUR OBJECTIVES OUR RESULTS selected key figures 2021 20% 2022 22% 2023 22% 2021 39% 2022 40% 2023 39% Representation of women in the overall workforce Representation of women in Top Management (TopEx) Frequency rate of lost-time accidents Severity rate 2021 2022 0.55 0.58 2023 0.56 2021 12.2 2022 10.5 2023 9.8 Frequency rate of lost-time accidents Severity rate 2021 2022 0.55 0.58 2023 0.56 2021 12.2 2022 10.5 2023 9.8 Be a responsible employer committed to playing its role in society: 1 ENSURE people’s health, safety and security everywhere, at all times; 2 PROMOTE diversity and equal opportunity, especially: • gender equality in the workplace, • the integration or reintegration of people with disabilities; 3 ORGANIZE the development of talent to ensure that employees’ skills are matched to the Group’s strategy; 4 DEVELOP professional insertion or reinsertion, particularly for people who are distant from the job market; 5 ENCOURAGE commitment to the community, volunteer work and acts of solidarity.