Activity and sustainability report 2023

4. Social Incident and crisis management The processes for managing major incidents and crises are common across the whole Group. They set out roles and responsibilities, as well as the organization and procedures to be implemented for the various situations that may be encountered. A toolbox consisting mainly of guides and emergency procedures is available. The departments involved depend on the impact of the incident. Management of changes in scope Health, safety and security are among the evaluation criteria applied to acquisition targets, notably through the management systems in place, performance indicators and, in general, the culture that can be seen at management level and during visits. Thanks to this evaluation, any upgrading measures that may be needed to bring the target up to standard can be integrated into the project. Health, safety and security criteria are also considered in investment projects and new business projects, so that best practices are applied from the outset. 4.1.3 Health, safety and security policy Protecting the physical well-being of employees requires the implementation of prevention plans that include regular health and safety risk assessments, the development of certifications (ISO 45001 in particular), the continuous improvement of machinery and personal protective equipment, as well as commitment and ongoing awareness-raising through training programs and information campaigns. GEODIS’s health and safety roadmap aims to achieve progress in five key areas: ● risk prevention: identifying, understanding, reporting and analyzing incidents, focusing on major risks and taking account of the impact of global warming; ● solid processes and standards supporting preventive actions; ● initial training and regular communications for all: visitors, employees, temporary workers, subcontractors, from the moment they are welcomed into the Company; ● commitment, proximity and kindness at all levels; ● innovation to improve everyone’s working conditions and health. Preventing risks A prevention policy consists of eliminating as far as possible any hazards that may temporarily or permanently affect the health or well-being of people, and, where the hazard cannot be avoided, of minimizing the consequences and reducing the risk to an acceptable level. Prevention policies at each site are based on first identifying and analyzing the risks and regularly updating them. 60 - 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT