Activity and sustainability report 2023

4. Social The sharing of experiences enables every organization to benefit from best practices ● In the United States, a health and safety week is organized every year, and monthly communications present current risks and means of prevention. A competition called Topgun is organized in six countries in the Americas region on the theme of forklift handling. It raises awareness of the safety features of forklifts and how to operate them safely. ● A comprehensive occupational risk prevention program, Roadcare, has been rolled out by the European Road Network line of business. Its aim is to harmonize the approach across the entire network, while placing the operational site at the heart of the system to make the most of feedback from teams in the field. In 2023, European Road Network took advantage of the deployment of its new in-vehicle IT tool to set up a dashboard to assess drivers’ driving performance based on indicators provided directly by the vehicle and adjusted to take account of the nature of the road and traffic. ● In France, the Global Contract Logistics line of business has trained more than 280 people to conduct behavior-based safety (BBS) audits, and around 2,500 have been carried out. Thanks to Lean programs focusing on certain operations common to many sites, such as pallet strapping, automatic wrapping and pallet unstacking, the risk of injury has been reduced and workstation ergonomics have been improved. In addition, a safety week is organized, with risk hunts, escape rooms and games designed to increase vigilance. ● The industrial projects activity is responsible for transporting complex freight, oversized goods or heavy loads. These projects are unique and often entail significant risks to safety or the environment. Risk prevention is built in from the outset using a structured Plan-Do-Check-Act approach. It is based on specific documentation that guides teams in managing hazards and reducing risks to ensure the protection of employees, third parties and the environment. ● The nature of the work in warehouses involves repetitive lifting, pushing, pulling and moving tasks. Risk assessment and body posture related to these tasks are a focus of concern and lead to multiple preventive measures and adjustments of workstations. A network of ergonomics coaches are available at most sites to offer employees the best possible assistance. ● Safety briefings are given to teams every day before they start work, warm-ups are organized at certain sites, and regular field visits are carried out to collect feedback from employees, congratulate them on the implementation of good practices and correct any errors. ● In 2023, five in-house e-learning security training modules were created: securing sites, reacting to threats, driver training, fraud, etc. ● With the use of security evaluation grids for sites and subcontractors, several hundred audits were carried out in 2023. 4.1.5 Results The safety policy is based on the ISO 45001 standard, which provides the framework for assessing and certifying the occupational health and safety management system. At the end of 2023, 256 GEODIS sites were ISO 45001 certified, corresponding to a site coverage rate of 24%. The lines of business and the regions have established performance indicators that include a combination of results indicators and means indicators relevant to their activities. Quantitative and qualitative data is collected in each entity and then consolidated at regional level and in some cases at Group level. The following table presents the Group’s key indicators(1). 2021 2022 2023 Frequency rate of work-related lost-time accidents per million hours worked 12.2 10.5 9.8 Number of lost-time accidents per million hours worked 883 860 865 Number of deaths (employees) 0 2 1 Average number of days lost per lost‑time accident (GEODIS personnel) 48.0 51.5 57.1 Number of hours of health and safety training per FTE 3.71 5.87 5.45 Number of ISO 45001 certified sites 243 250 256 In 2023, the Group recorded one fatality, which occurred in a commuting accident. In 2023, 285,000 hours of health and safety training were provided to Group employees, compared with 273,000 hours in 2022, an increase of 4%. Health and safety training accounted for more than half (53%) of all training hours in 2023 (compared with 58% in 2022). (1) Need it Now Delivers not included. 62 - 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT