Activity and sustainability report 2023

4. Social 4.2.2 Recruitment The growth in the Group’s headcount is mostly due to recruitment on permanent employment contracts (64%). In 2023, 39% of new hires were women and 22% were managers and supervisors. France accounted for 12% of total Group hires, while the Americas region accounted for over 70%. The United States job market remains tight, and labor laws allow greater fluidity for both employees and employers. Breakdown of hires in 2023 (Group excluding acquisitions) 2022 2023 Hires during the period (cumulative) 22,929 17,357 Of which permanent contracts 15,056 11,161 Of which fixed-term contracts 7,873 6,199 Breakdown of permanent contract hires by category 2022 2023 Non-managers, non-supervisors 10,423 8,216 Managers and supervisors 4,157 2,474 Drivers 476 471 Breakdown of permanent contract hires by gender 2022 2023 Women 6,000 4,404 Men 9,056 6,757 2023 saw a sharp fall in recruitment at GEODIS (24%), affecting both permanent contracts (down 26%) and fixed-term contracts (down 21%), the Group having adjusted its personnel requirements to the contraction in manufacturing activity. Indeed, after two exceptional years in terms of activity following the pandemic, the situation stabilized in 2023, with a slowdown in world trade and, consequently, lower demand for logistics and transport services. 4.2.3 Departures The number of departures from the Group, all causes combined, stood at 16,096 in 2023, 16.3% lower than the previous year. This drop is explained primarily by a sharp fall in the number of resignations (down 25%, after a fall of 7% in 2022) and retirements (down 21%). After the “great resignation” (or the “big quit”) trend following the pandemic, the job market seems to have stabilized, reflecting levels of economic activity. At the same time, GEODIS employees have confirmed their confidence in the Group, with employee satisfaction rising from 78% in 2019 to almost 82% in 2023 (see section 4.7). The uncertainty caused by the economic slowdown in certain markets and regions may also encourage greater caution when it comes to career changes. While the race for talent is still on in certain regions and in certain in‑demand professions (data analysts, finance, etc.), it is much less intense in other areas. Fixed-term contracts coming to an end account for almost a quarter (23%) of departures. The Group’s activities in the United States require temporary staff during peaks in activity, and these hires are mainly on fixed-term contracts, as the use of temporary employment agencies is not widespread. 2022 2023 Total number of departures 19,224 16,096 Because of dismissal/redundancy 3,286 3,503 Because of resignation 9,568 7,183 Because of retirement 527 415 Because of end of fixed-term contract 4,202 3,626 Because of death 33 23 Other reasons 1,608 1,346 64 - 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT