Activity and sustainability report 2023

4. 4.2.4 Age pyramids GEODIS age pyramids (2023) 73 ‑ 75 70 ‑ 72 67 ‑ 69 64 ‑ 66 61 ‑ 63 58 ‑ 60 55 ‑ 57 52 ‑ 54 49 ‑ 51 46 ‑ 48 43 ‑ 45 40 ‑ 42 37 ‑ 39 34 ‑ 36 31 ‑ 33 28 ‑ 30 25 ‑ 27 22 ‑ 24 19 ‑ 21 8 37 89 225 506 888 1,142 1,236 1,410 1,476 1,576 1,587 1,529 1,474 1,561 1,514 1,411 1,028 516 31 61 143 391 896 1,650 2,080 2,053 2,200 2,160 2,148 2,255 2,124 2,116 2,191 2,100 1,775 1,326 740 Total workforce Female Male 0 4 3 16 46 87 153 188 195 264 276 282 236 210 188 117 73 27 4 3 2 8 53 142 266 337 434 442 481 468 440 428 336 297 206 93 35 2 73 ‑ 75 70 ‑ 72 67 ‑ 69 64 ‑ 66 61 ‑ 63 58 ‑ 60 55 ‑ 57 52 ‑ 54 49 ‑ 51 46 ‑ 48 43 ‑ 45 40 ‑ 42 37 ‑ 39 34 ‑ 36 31 ‑ 33 28 ‑ 30 25 ‑ 27 22 ‑ 24 19 ‑ 21 Female Male Managers The age pyramids are balanced both for the overall workforce and for the manager population, despite the high turnover experienced in recent years. The number of Group employees under the age of 28 fell by 25% between 2022 and 2023, mainly in the 19-21 age bracket. This is explained by fewer offers of permanent contracts because of lower volumes in the global transport and logistics market in 2023. GEODIS remains determined to pursue its efforts to develop the recruitment of young people on professional training contracts and on work/study contracts, through the JUMP’IN program in particular (see section 4.3.1). 4.2.5 Absenteeism Absenteeism stood at 3.55% in 2023, lower than in 2022 (3.83%) and 2021 (3.69%). This decrease was in large part driven by the Europe region, and to a lesser extent by the Americas region. The overall drop in absenteeism can be explained by the consequences of the return to normality in 2023: a slowdown in global economic activity, an easing of the last restrictions to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, and a stabilization of the job market. It is also worth noting that, in the annual satisfaction survey (see section 4.7), GEODIS employees voiced a strong sense of belonging to the Group (81%) and strongly endorsed its values. 4.2.6 Seniority The average length of service of Group employees is 7.3 years, compared with 7.4 years in 2022. 55% of GEODIS’s permanent employees have less than four years’ seniority. In more detail, the average length of service is lowest in the Americas region (3.1 years), which accounts for more than half (54%) of employees with less than four years’ service. This level of seniority is stable and corresponds to the local context. By contrast, employees in the European regions and lines of business have an above-average length of service. 4.3 Management of talent GEODIS was confronted with events of enormous significance in 2023 which had a major impact on the global economy, including geopolitical tensions and international conflicts, inflation and regulatory changes, etc. These far-reaching phenomena have a lasting impact on our societies and their consequences also affect employment. Pressures affecting some lines of business and the boom in artificial intelligence have impacted the Group’s strategy for recruiting and developing employees. As it focuses on attracting, developing and retaining talent, the Group is addressing the challenge of satisfying the new needs, such as flexibility and wellbeing at work, expressed by candidates and existing employees alike. 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT - 65 EDITORIAL > 1. PROFILE AND AMBITION > 2. CSR POLICY > 3. ENVIRONMENT > 4. SOCIAL > 5. ETHICS > 6. TABLE OF INDICATORS