Activity and sustainability report 2023

4. Recruitment of young people (age 28 maximum) in France and worldwide in 2023 (Group worldwide, excluding acquisitions). Breakdown by type of contract Geographic area Fixed-term contract Permanent contract Total France 119 534 653 Group (excl. France) 2,591 3,409 6,000 Breakdown by employment category Geographic area Managers & supervisors Nonmanagers, nonsupervisors Drivers Total France 147 398 108 653 Group (excl. France) 802 5,192 6 6,000 The JUMP’IN program To promote its businesses to young talent, GEODIS launched JUMP’IN in 2021. It is a first job program for the younger generation looking for professional experience. The program can be accessed throughout the Group in four different ways: it allows people to join GEODIS for an internship, a work/study apprenticeship, a VIE (Volunteer for International Experience) contract, or a fixed-term or permanent job. The offers are posted on a dedicated platform that facilitates searching and matching job offers with the experience and profile of the candidates. The program is designed to offer candidates an opportunity at each stage of their journey to strengthen their skills and knowledge of the Group, to maintain their interest and motivation to pursue their career at GEODIS. In 2023, the JUMP’IN recruitment site received more than 16,300 applications and 600 assignments have taken place since 2021. 14 young people are currently on VIE assignments, with a target of 40 new assignments by 2025. The induction program The Group is committed to offering each new employee an induction program as soon as they arrive. This program combines face-to-face induction sessions with distance learning sessions, primarily using e-learning modules on G-Campus, the dedicated GEODIS platform. These include a presentation of the Group, its strategy, its lines of business and its regions. The program is intended to facilitate the integration of new employees and to train them in the Group’s culture. 4.3.2 Developing talents Talent management at GEODIS is designed to develop employees’ skills and retain them within the Group. Global tools (such as performance management, talent reviews, succession planning, training and development) are used to support the process and address the retention needs of teams. Managing employee performance through regular dialogue, including the annual performance review, plays a role in encouraging active mutual listening, aligning individual objectives with the Group’s strategy, and acknowledging strong performance. GEODIS also supports the development of its employees at all levels, not only by establishing talent reviews and succession plans, but also by promoting local initiatives for certification or for programs awarding diplomas. The aim is partly to develop employees’ employability and encourage their commitment through motivating career paths, but also to ensure, in the short and longer term, that the Group’s needs are well matched to the profiles and skills of its employees. Talent pools With a job market that is under pressure for certain positions, the stakes for the growth of the Group are high in terms of managing future talent. To ensure a pool of talent, GEODIS is committed to establishing partnerships with schools and centers offering training that is relevant to the development of the Group’s activity. As an example, in line with its digital transformation policy, GEODIS has signed a partnership agreement with the Le Havre 42 School, which offers high-level training in computer programming outside the traditional academic system in response to the shortage of skills. This partnership contributes to the training of the talent needed for the Group’s digital development and, more broadly, that of the transport and logistics sector. It lays the groundwork for the launch of a series of communication initiatives, conferences and workshops over a three-year period involving employees of GEODIS (including its subsidiary, Sealogis, which represents 600 employees in the Le Havre basin) and students from the Le Havre 42 School. In addition, other initiatives targeting different internal audiences are helping to train and develop talent in the key regions where the Group operates, such as the Rising Leader program in Europe, the Graduate Program (for graduates), Trajectoire and Évolution (for managers) in France, and Young Leaders (for future managers) in the United States. The Group also rolls out its Executive Leadership Program every year, designed for senior managers (TopEx members). In 2023, a specific program was set up targeting employees considered as fast trackers, i.e., combining performance, motivation and the ability to develop. The aim of this program is to support the development of these talents along a specially designed pathway, including an academic curriculum, discussions with members of senior management and personalized supervision. 19 employees from all regions of the Group, including 11 women, are participating in this program’s first year. This is also a way for GEODIS to retain its best-performing employees and prepare for the Group’s long-term future. 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT - 67 EDITORIAL > 1. PROFILE AND AMBITION > 2. CSR POLICY > 3. ENVIRONMENT > 4. SOCIAL > 5. ETHICS > 6. TABLE OF INDICATORS