Activity and sustainability report 2023

4. The GEODIS People Review is an annual exercise that follows a cascade process, starting with the regions and lines of business before being consolidated at Group level. The scope of application is the TopEx population and other employees considered as people of high potential and potential successors of TopEx members. Changes in the composition of the TopEx(1) in 2022 and 2023 2022 2023 Change Number of TopEx members 159 156 -2% Percentage of women 22% 22% stable Percentage of internal promotions 61% 68% +7 points (1) Excluding members of the Management Board and following new appointments in 2023. GEODIS prefers internal promotion for its TopEx population: of the new members joining in 2023, two-thirds were internal appointments, with external recruitment accounting for only one-third of those appointed. The appointments campaign is organized each year to ensure the best possible representation of the Group’s various lines of business and regions within the TopEx population. For the sake of transparency, the criteria for appointments are shared with all Group entities for greater clarity and better alignment. Training GEODIS considers training to be an absolute necessity: it guarantees that the Group has the skills it needs and contributes to its operational performance over the long term. GEODIS offers a wide range of training courses, enabling it to constantly adapt the skills of its employees to the needs of the Group’s activities and to keep pace with technological, operational and regulatory developments. The objective of training is to enable the acquisition and recognition of skills and competencies to facilitate internal employability and career development. Training consists in proposing programs aimed at developing employees so that they can embody the Group’s values, implement its vision and become growth drivers of its ambition. In 2023, more than 542,000 hours of training(1) were provided across the whole Group, equivalent to more than 10 hours per employee. Areas covered by this training included technical expertise (relevant to the line of business), personal development and management skills. Over half of the training hours were devoted to health and safety issues. The range of training courses available is at the heart of a comprehensive initiative to deepen new subjects and maintain the skills of employees at the highest level. GEODIS University, which was launched in 2022, is one of the Group’s most important training programs. This initiative was designed to provide a structured response to training and development needs while addressing wider horizons. GEODIS University’s mission is to contribute to decompartmentalizing the Group, to raise the level of knowledge among our teams and to help prepare for the future. It covers a number of cross‑disciplinary needs: ● the basics of GEODIS: its purpose, vision and values; ● strategy; ● management and performance; ● leadership; ● know-how relating to lines of business and functions. GEODIS University delivers its various courses and programs in a variety of formats, including face-to-face training, e-learning, webinars, master classes, round table discussions, etc. A large proportion of training courses also involve in-house experts, as part of the development of a learning-focused company where knowledge is shared between employees. In 2023, over 1,000 managers took part in GEODIS University training courses. Various programs have been designed to meet employees’ needs and support their skills development: ● “Manage”: since its launch in 2021, this program has been rolled out in six languages. Lasting 16 weeks, it is intended to reinforce managers’ leadership skills. The aim is to create a shared management culture based on the seven Leadership Principles. 574 employees participated in this program in 2023 (312 in the first year and 262 in the second year); ● “Accelerate”: this new program, which was launched in 2023, is intended for the Group’s senior leaders, in partnership with the IESE Business School in Barcelona, Spain. The first cohort of this training program consists of 39 managers from 14 countries. Training is given over a ten-month period on three major themes: strategic management, the basics of business and leadership; ● Sales Academy: launched in 2021, this two-year program aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the GEODIS value proposition and to enable participants to acquire key skills in terms of account development, with the aim of strengthening customer relations and, ultimately, the Group’s performance. 432 people took part in 2023 (160 in the first year and 272 in the second year); (1) Excluding e-learning courses, the total number of hours of which is noted separately at the end of this section. 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT - 69 EDITORIAL > 1. PROFILE AND AMBITION > 2. CSR POLICY > 3. ENVIRONMENT > 4. SOCIAL > 5. ETHICS > 6. TABLE OF INDICATORS