Activity and sustainability report 2023

4. GEODIS founded the GEODIS Women’s Network (GWN) in 2013. It is a global network designed to encourage the emergence of more women in management positions by developing their potential and supporting them in their professional development. The GWN is made up of GEODIS employees who wish to contribute to gender parity and the empowerment of women. Its main objectives are as follows: ● improving the gender balance in GEODIS management teams; ● encouraging women to reach their full potential and professional goals; ● championing diversity and inclusion. The GEODIS Women’s Network, which celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2023, now has several branches, covering the Group’s entire perimeter from New Zealand to Chile and the United States (GWN Americas, GWN Europe, GWN France, etc.). The GWN Americas network was set up in 2017 in the United States. It now has over 300 ambassadors, not only in the United States, but also in Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and Chile. The GWN organizational structure includes an Executive Committee and sub-committees dedicated to communications, events and training, which share and roll out best practices and coordinate initiatives. Comprehensive development programs based on mentoring were launched in 2018. 13 mentor/mentee pairs were set up at Group Head Office in 2023, and 15 pairs in 2024. To ensure recognition of the quality of its commitments, the Group has initiated a progress initiative based on the Gender Equality European International Standard (GEEIS). This standard is very much a management tool that helps to promote gender equality in the workplace. The GEEIS label certifies the level of resources mobilized by the Company to achieve equality in the workplace as well as the performance obtained. The objective is to promote gender equality and diversity within the organization, and thus to foster equal opportunities for all employees. In 2015, GEODIS set the target of obtaining the label for 12 countries in ten years. In 2023, 15 had already received the label. The nine countries already certified in 2022 were joined by six new Latin American countries in 2023: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. What is more, three of these entities have also been awarded the diversity label, which shows the implementation of best practices that go further than gender parity alone. GEODIS is also a signatory to the G20 EMPOWER Alliance pledge to support the progress of women in the private sector. EMPOWER (Private Sector Alliance for the Empowerment and Progression of Women’s Economic Representation) was launched at the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, in 2019 to advocate the advancement of women in the private sector, foster a supportive, inclusive culture and create more leadership opportunities for women. Key achievements promoting professional equality In recent years, GEODIS has undertaken a number of initiatives to give concrete support to its approach to professional gender equality, encompassing the entire scope of its activities: ● the introduction of a minimum of eight weeks’ maternity leave with full pay for all women in the Group, irrespective of the legislation of the country they work in; ● the creation of a “gender parity” criterion to be used in calculating the variable compensation of TopEx members; ● the development of an open-minded culture based on non-discrimination, including the introduction of a speci c training course on stereotypes and prejudices; ● the strengthening of training programs: individualized support (training, coaching, mentoring, etc.), leadership training and career development; ● a requirement for parity in the lists of candidates for recruitment and promotion. 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT - 71 EDITORIAL > 1. PROFILE AND AMBITION > 2. CSR POLICY > 3. ENVIRONMENT > 4. SOCIAL > 5. ETHICS > 6. TABLE OF INDICATORS