Activity and sustainability report 2023

4. Social Gender Equality Index (France) In compliance with the French law “For the freedom to choose one’s professional future”, passed in September 2018, GEODIS has published an Equality Index for those entities concerned since 2019. The index calculation method makes it possible to compare the treatment of male and female employees. An overall score out of 100 points is calculated on the basis of ve criteria: the gender pay gap (40 points), the gap in individual pay rises (20 points), the gap in promotions (15 points), increases on return from maternity leave (15 points) and the presence of women among the highest-paid company employees (10 points). For 2023, GEODIS (all GEODIS companies in France) scored 91/100, compared to 86/100 in 2022. 4.4.2 Inclusion of people with disabilities Equality in the workplace also involves including, integrating or reintegrating people with disabilities into the professional world. GEODIS has a longstanding commitment in this area and continues to work on behalf of people with disabilities, promoting professional integration and developing partnerships to help people who are far removed from the corporate world to nd ways of returning to stable employment. An internal handbook, entitled “Disability inclusion – How to be a key player”, which has been distributed throughout the Group, serves as a reference for employees wishing to take action to promote the integration of people with disabilities at GEODIS. The main lines of action are as follows: ● informing employees: the Group is committed to organizing at least one action or event per year within its various lines of business and regions in a bid to change perceptions of disability and remove prejudices; ● acting with employees: the idea is to provide employees who so desire with the tools and resources they need to become “disability correspondents”, promoting the Group’s disability policy to other employees. Launched in 2020, this network, called IN (which stands for Inclusion Network), has 53 volunteer employee members around the world; ● acting with partners: alongside the involvement of employees, the Group’s regions and lines of business are committed to contracting at least three services per year to companies, organizations or networks working for the integration of people with disabilities in the workplace (garden maintenance, catering, etc.); ● practicing inclusion in various ways to contribute to the employability of people with disabilities: the Group is committed to facilitating applications from disabled people (a note on job offers states that they are open to any person recognized as a disabled worker). Technological aids (ergonomic equipment, etc.) and adaptations to the content or format of training courses are also available. In 2023, there were 1,449 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees at GEODIS with disabilities. They accounted for 3% of the Group’s workforce (in FTEs), compared to 3.3% in 2022. Change in the percentage of employees with disabilities (as a percentage of FTEs) 2021 2022 2023 World 3.0% 3.3% 3.0% France 4.8% 4.6% 4.0% The three pillars of the Group’s approach to disability are raising awareness, empowering and measuring. It is therefore essential for GEODIS to be able to measure and monitor the progress made in each region and each line of business with the aim of improving the employability of people with disabilities. A “disability indicator” has been set up within the Human Resources management tool to identify employees with disabilities and thus assess the impact of actions taken. This indicator is entered on the recruitment form at the time of hiring, upon declaration by the employee. This is compulsory only in countries where it is legal to request this data. In September 2023, GEODIS launched a process to assess the issue of disability within its Head Office companies, as part of its commitment to an employment policy in favor of people with disabilities. This initiative was carried out in conjunction with Agefiph (the French national association for the management 72 - 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT