Activity and sustainability report 2023

4. of funds for the integration of disabled people), a non-profit organization that promotes the professional integration and job retention of people with disabilities in private-sector companies in France. The situation of all the Head Office companies was analyzed regarding the obligation to employ disabled workers, and an action plan was drawn up, to be rolled out in 2024. The main areas for improvement identified were communications, recruitment, integration and job retention. GEODIS encourages its employees to work to promote the integration of people with disabilities by volunteering for Groupled or public initiatives. Group employees who are volunteers in a project organized by a nonprofit in the eld of disability in France can participate on behalf of their organization in the Guy Crescent Award. Incorporated in the SNCF Foundation since 2009, the Guy Crescent Award provides financial support to nonprofits that promote the professional integration or social inclusion of people with disabilities and/or facilitate their daily lives and those of their families. It was created as a tribute to Guy Crescent, a former president of Calberson (one of the companies at the origin of GEODIS). A selection committee is organized to nominate the winner or winners, who are awarded amounts ranging from €1,000 to €2,000. GEODIS also encourages employees in France to take part in DuoDay, an initiative launched in France as part of the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities. It allows a person with a disability to spend a day in a professional environment, to observe the work of an employee rst-hand and to join in with carrying out his or her daily tasks. In 2023, 38 Group employees welcomed people with disabilities to give them a taste of their work. For people with disabilities, DuoDay offers the opportunity to discover a work environment and to begin a career path. 4.5 Compensation and benefits The compensation package of GEODIS employees consists of a basic salary and variable compensation schemes, depending on the level of responsibility and/or the country. These are intended to reward collective and individual performance. The variable portion of managers’ pay is established on the basis of their achieving the objectives set by their own line managers during the course of the previous year. 4.5.1 External benchmarking GEODIS uses an internal job classi cation system to ensure that the compensation of all employees is competitive. For TopEx members, it also uses the specialist HR consulting rm Mercer’s International Position Evaluation (IPE) system. Thanks to the data provided by specialized rms, these tools make it possible to verify positioning in relation to the local market and ensure internal equity. Compensation is reviewed annually to ensure that competitiveness is maintained. To maintain its positioning, the Group is improving its internal job descriptions by harmonizing those of the various regions and lines of business and supplementing them with levels of seniority. 4.5.2 Compensation and benefits plans GEODIS offers all its employees an individualized, fair and competitive compensation package that recognizes each individual’s performance and level of responsibility. The Group ensures that the minimum salary levels applicable in the various countries in which it operates are respected and that every employee is paid on time and in full. Since 2022, all TopEx members have benefited from a global compensation plan that rewards collective and individual performance, according to three types of objectives(1): ● economic, on the basis of an evaluation of the Company’s nancial performance; ● social and environmental, generally accounting for 25% of the variable remuneration of TopEx members, based on criteria relating to the environment, diversity and employee satisfaction; ● individuals, determined with each TopEx member’s direct supervisor. In most of the countries where GEODIS operates, supplementary health and life insurance policies are made available to employees, in addition to the mandatory coverage provided by law. Participation in these supplementary plans is either voluntary or mandatory, depending on the country, and most frequently concerns all employees. In addition, depending on local regulations, some Group entities have established supplementary retirement programs for their employees. In the main countries where GEODIS operates (France, United States, etc.), the Group offers a wide range of benefits (health, temporary or permanent disability, assistance and retirement program). 4.5.3 Group employee savings policy in France Savings plan Since 1997, Group employees in France have been able to access a Group Savings Plan, which incorporates a wide range of diversi ed products. This plan had a total of €101.9 million in deposits at the end of 2023. Since 2008, each employee has also been able to constitute savings at his or her own pace to prepare for retirement, through a PER COL (Collective Retirement Savings Plan). The plan amounted to €44.9 million of assets at the end of 2023. The investment vehicles for these two plans meet Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria. Voluntary payments by employees and the payment of the pro t sharing bonus were matched by the Group in 2023 with an amount of €4.2 million. (1) The percentages given below are subject to change to reflect changes in compensation policy. 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT - 73 EDITORIAL > 1. PROFILE AND AMBITION > 2. CSR POLICY > 3. ENVIRONMENT > 4. SOCIAL > 5. ETHICS > 6. TABLE OF INDICATORS