Activity and sustainability report 2023

4. 4.7 Employee engagement Employee engagement is of great strategic importance to GEODIS. Beyond the notions of motivation or involvement in the workplace, it directly influences commitment to the Group’s values and its corporate project. A high level of employee engagement tends to have a positive impact on employee retention, lower absenteeism and customer satisfaction, and ultimately leads to an improved Group operating performance. Since 2001 in France, and since 2013 throughout the world, GEODIS has been committed to evaluating its employees’ satisfaction and engagement every year. The attention paid by senior managers (members of TopEx) to the subject of employee engagement is also one of the three CSR criteria used to calculate the variable portion of their compensation. In 2023, GEODIS once again pursued its proactive approach to assessing employee engagement. The annual satisfaction survey was conducted in June 2023 and sent to all Group employees. Consisting of 57 questions grouped by theme, the survey covers a wide variety of topics: career development, communication, management, work relations between colleagues, global strategy, compensation, etc. The high rate of participation in the satisfaction survey (92% compared to 92% in 2022) reflects a high level of employee engagement and makes the data used highly representative. At 82%, the overall employee satisfaction rate was one point higher than in 2022. Changes in the overall satisfaction rate between 2019 and 2023 (answers to the question: “In general I am satis ed with my employment at GEODIS”) 120 • Favorable • Neutral • Unfavorable 2021 2022 8.7% 7.3% 11.7% 12% 79.6% 80.7% 40 80 100 120 2023 6.6% 11.8% 81.6% For each of these surveys, the Group benchmarks its own scores against those obtained by other companies in the sector. By making this comparison, GEODIS can better situate its performance and identify the progress it needs to make in relation to a similar environment. In 2023, the sector benchmark indicated a 76% engagement rate (and 78% in 2022), meaning that GEODIS is positioned above average. The survey reveals a robust base of endorsement, recommendation and commitment, as well as strong support from managers upon which the Group can rely as it continues its transformation. More specifically, the survey highlights several areas of satisfaction, not least the sharing of the Group’s ambition and values (up six points on 2022), a sense of belonging that has remained very strong (81%) over the past three years, and working conditions that are appreciated with regard to training, the work atmosphere, health and safety, and workload. The quality of managerial relations is another strength revealed in the survey: the trust and responsibility that managers place in their teams is a decisive factor in Group performance and employee fulfillment. The evaluation of managerial practices and behaviors (framing, feedback, recognition, empowerment, openness) is up compared to 2022. The improvements that employees expect to see relate to training and individual development opportunities, collaboration between different departments, and further improvements in operational efficiency. The results have also been analyzed in greater detail across the Group’s various lines of business and regions to identify areas for improvement at local level, in addition to Groupwide priorities. Another noteworthy point in the survey results is that the overall employee Net Promoter Score (NPS), i.e., employees’ rate of recommendation, has risen to 26, an increase of three points compared to 2022. This high level re ects the strong attachment that GEODIS employees feel to their company. 4.8 Human rights and fundamental freedoms There are many potential situations where human rights and fundamental freedoms are violated: modern slavery (forced labor, child labor, clandestine or undeclared labor) as well as the non-respect of workers’ rights, discrimination, violence, harassment, etc. These situations are at signi cant risk in the complex globalized value chains in which GEODIS is involved. With a network extending to some 170 countries, GEODIS is determined to ensure that human rights are honored wherever it operates. By joining the United Nations Global Compact in 2003, GEODIS formally committed to integrating and promoting human rights, including employment standards. GEODIS reaf rmed this commitment in its Code of Ethics in 2009 and is committed to fostering the well-being and development of its employees, especially by promoting their professional development, encouraging diversity and in particular gender equality, and providing assistance to the most disadvantaged people. Human rights and fundamental freedoms in the context of the corporate duty of care The SNCF Group is subject to the French “Corporate Duty of Care” law, which requires companies and groups with more than 5,000 employees in France or 10,000 employees in France and internationally for two consecutive years to devise, publish and effectively implement a plan containing appropriate measures to identify risks and prevent serious violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, or to the health and safety of individuals and the environment that may result from their activities or those of their suppliers or subcontractors with whom they maintain an established business relationship. 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT - 75 EDITORIAL > 1. PROFILE AND AMBITION > 2. CSR POLICY > 3. ENVIRONMENT > 4. SOCIAL > 5. ETHICS > 6. TABLE OF INDICATORS