Activity and sustainability report 2023

4. Social The 2023 plan is the third to be published by the SNCF Group(1). It covers the entire SNCF Group, including GEODIS, which contributed to it by reporting consolidated information within its scope. Governance GEODIS has set up a governance system for the duty of care adapted to its businesses in conjunction with the SNCF Group. A quarterly review of the progress made by the steering committee is conducted by the Risk Committee (see section 1.7). A steering committee has worked to identify the risks of serious violations of human rights and the environment, as well as the health and safety of individuals, in the context of GEODIS’s activities and those of subcontractors or suppliers with whom GEODIS maintains an established business relationship. This work has made it possible to prepare appropriate action plans to supplement existing measures to strengthen the prevention of risks and serious breaches. The whistleblowing system in place at GEODIS (see section 5.1.3) makes it possible to collect and process reports from all employees and external stakeholders. These reports concern the existence or realization of risks of serious violations with regard to human rights, the health and safety of individuals or the environment. 4.9 Corporate citizen initiatives Being a responsible company means being committed to the most disadvantaged people and taking part in initiatives to protect the planet. Driven by common values, GEODIS teams take action to raise funds but also to offer their time, skills and material resources to those who are in need. It is thanks to their energy that these humanitarian actions are launched and sustained, constituting a source of pride for everyone. The Group’s action priorities focus on solidarity, a value jointly upheld by GEODIS and the organization or event being sponsored. Each year, GEODIS makes a commitment to provide logistical, nancial or human support to underprivileged populations or individuals in dif culty. Logistical aid for organizations supporting the people of Ukraine GEODIS continues to provide logistical support for French nonprofits (Doc4Ukraine, Safe, AMCUK) working to provide aid in hospitals and orphanages in Ukraine. GEODIS provides free collection, transport and storage of essential goods from France to Poland. The Group draws its network and its expertise in distribution and express transport to collect donations in France, in logistics to store the products, and in road transport to drive them to the Polish-Ukrainian border, where they are recovered by volunteers of the organizations receiving the aid. Emergency aid for disaster victims On February 6, 2023, Turkey and Syria were struck by one of the worst earthquakes in their history. GEODIS decided to offer aid to the populations of these two countries. Employees demonstrated the Group’s humanitarian values in the form of an appeal for donations launched in partnership with the French Red Cross. Donations made by employees plus a matching contribution from GEODIS totaled €72,193, which was donated to the French Red Cross. In Finland, GEODIS teamed up with a Turkish road transporter to offer the Finnish Red Cross free transport of medical supplies and shelters from northern Europe. Transport was provided just four days after the earthquake, to Gaziantep, a city in southern Turkey close to the epicenter. Emergency shelter, medical care and psychological support were offered to the survivors. Morocco suffered a violent earthquake on September 8, 2023. Group employees rallied to a call for donations once again organized in partnership with the French Red Cross. Total aid amounted to €70,890 thanks to employees’ donations and a matching contribution from GEODIS. In addition, the GEODIS team in Morocco played a significant part in disaster relief operations, providing human and material resources for transporting essential goods to some of the worst-affected areas (alongside the association JLM Alumni) and taking part in an operation to rebuild homes that had been lost. GEODIS mutual aid funds GEODIS has created two funds specifically to provide aid to employees who are experiencing dif cult times. In the United States, the GEODIS Compassion Fund was created in 2018 to provide nancial support to full-time employees facing difficulties. In 2023, a total of $93,732 was granted to 65 GEODIS employees. The European Solidarity Fund, created in 2020, is a joint initiative of the European Consultation Committee (ECC), the European employee representative body, and GEODIS. The purpose of this (1) 76 - 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT