Activity and sustainability report 2023

5. The Group is committed to communicating its social responsibility and engaging in dialogue with its stakeholders to create and implement sustainable solutions. The results of the 2023 customer satisfaction survey confirm the prominence given to this subject in interactions: 86% of the Group’s customers consider that they are well informed about its CSR policy. Whenever possible, GEODIS systematically offers options with lower greenhouse gas emissions in its product offerings. Various events are also organized with customers to raise their awareness of sustainability issues. In April 2023, Distribution & Express organized a multi-customer day featuring a Climate Fresk hosted by GEODIS teams. The event was an opportunity for very constructive exchanges and for customers to share best practices. For suppliers and subcontractors, GEODIS has long-established evaluation processes that include social and environmental criteria (see section 5.2.1). Over time, the criteria are strengthened and help to improve the practices of suppliers and subcontractors. In 2024, the Group plans to launch a program to raise awareness and train buyers to enhance their knowledge and better integrate social and environmental dimensions into dialogue with suppliers and subcontractors. In the fight against global warming, defining and implementing changes demands the commitment of an entire ecosystem. In addition to partnerships with vehicle manufacturers, GEODIS is involved in multi-disciplinary initiatives such as the Alliance pour la Décarbonation de la Route en France (Alliance for the Decarbonization of Roads in France), which is due to start work in 2024. The Group is also an active member of trade organizations such as the Union des Transporteurs et Logisticiens de France (Union TLF) and the Smart Freight Centre (SFC), an international organization dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions caused by freight transport. GEODIS monitors the consistency between the work and positions of these organizations and its own commitment to social and environmental issues. The Group also maintains contact with public authorities in the countries where it operates, either on its own behalf or via industry organizations. It seeks to promote a legislative and regulatory framework in line with its commitments, to maintain fair competition while integrating sustainability issues. In its contribution to public debate, the Group is strictly politically neutral. In keeping with the stakeholder consultation that the Group carried out in 2023 through its materiality analysis, GEODIS intends to set up a strategic stakeholder committee, consisting of internal representatives and external experts, covering all economic, social and environmental issues. This Committee will provide input for the Group’s ongoing discussions on its strategy to promote CSR among its stakeholders. 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT - 89 EDITORIAL > 1. PROFILE AND AMBITION > 2. CSR POLICY > 3. ENVIRONMENT > 4. SOCIAL > 5. ETHICS > 6. TABLE OF INDICATORS