Activity and sustainability report 2023

6. Indicator Unit 2021 2022 2023 Verified Scope 3: Indirect greenhouse gas emissions Total tCO2e 3,694,258 (1) 3,865,746 3,512,039* (3.4) Upstream freight transport (subcontracted) tCO2e 3,624,280 3,436,200 3,093,571*  Breakdown by activity Air transport tCO2e 1,638,844 1,282,979 1,054,196* Rail transport tCO2e 106,977 68,800 51,146* Barge transport tCO2e 43 1,387 1,815* Ocean transport tCO2e 543,216 572,848 494,127* Road transport tCO2e 1,335,200 1,510,186 1,492,287* (3.11) Use of sold products tCO2e Unknown 277,730 264,217 (3.3) Indirect emissions relating to energy, not included in scopes 1 & 2 tCO2e 52,826 73,014 66,603 Other emissions: (3.5) waste generated and (3.6) business travel tCO2e 17,152 78,802 86,647 Indicator Unit 2021 2022 2023 Verified Energy consumption Total(2) GWh 1,106 1,661 1,418  Natural gas consumption of built areas, forklifts and road vehicles GWh 202 221 231  Biogas consumption of built areas, forklifts and road vehicles GWh Unknown Insignificant 9 Electricity consumption of built areas GWh 221 270 263  Of which renewable electricity GWh 11 44 63** Percentage of renewable energy in the electricity consumption of built areas % 5 16 24** Diesel consumption Millions of liters 54.47 64.36 63.37 (3) GWh 585 691 681 Consumption of other types of fuel (gasoline, B100, HVO) Millions of liters Unknown 12.90 9.31* GWh Unknown 115 83* Kerosene consumption Millions of liters 9.46 35.31 14.70 GWh 98 364 151 Ratios Electricity consumption per sqm of built areas kWh/m2 28,7 27,6 26,9  Percentage of surfaces in buildings equipped with LED lighting % 48 59 62* * Need It Now Delivers and trans-o-flex not included. ** Need It Now delivers not included. (1) Scope 3 data for 2021 has been revised to bring it into line with the scope of the Group’s nancial reporting. (2) Energy consumption data for 2022 (published value: 1,449 GWh) has been updated to take account of the acquisition of Need It Now Delivers, Perrier and Keppel. (3) Diesel consumption consists of 60.50 million liters for the road vehicle fleet (audited indicator) plus 2.87 million liters for company vehicles (non‑audited indicator). 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT - 93 EDITORIAL > 1. PROFILE AND AMBITION > 2. CSR POLICY > 3. ENVIRONMENT > 4. SOCIAL > 5. ETHICS > 6. TABLE OF INDICATORS