Activity and sustainability report 2023

METHODOLOGY The methodological note for a de nition of each indicator and any exclusions from the scope is available on The Limited Assurance Report can also be consulted on the Group’s website. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS GEODIS’s 2023 Activity and Sustainability Report was produced by the Group’s CSR Department, with the participation of the regions, the lines of business and all the Group’s support functions. Sincere thanks to all those who have contributed. PHOTO CREDITS All rights reserved. JLM Alumni, Baptiste de Ville d’Avray/FACTSTORY, Bruno Clergue, Franck Crusiaux/REA, Jeffrey Scott Dean/FACTSTORY, Josh Edelson/FACTSTORY, Nils Günter, Arnaud Hebert/REA, Eli Hiller/FACTSTORY, Bogdan Kalusevi/CAPA PICTURES, Thomas Laisné/LA COMPANY, Alex Martin/CAPA PICTURES, Marta Nascimento/REA, Sébastien Ortola/REA, Sam Paakkonen, Christel Sasso/CAPA PICTURES, Patrick Schneider, Alexis Toureau/CAPA PICTURES, Charles Urban/REA, Tan Ying Zheng. 98 - 2023 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT This document is printed in France on paper produced from sustainably managed forests