
Customs Optimization

Our customs specialists have an in-depth understanding of local conditions and regulations. This means that they can provide valuable support along your supply chain, helping you tackle the increasingly complex regulatory, security and quality challenges that have arisen from today's growth in world trade. GEODIS' Customs Optimization solutions offer simplified customs procedures, reducing both costs and delays across your international supply chain.

Customs warehouse solution

GEODIS has a great deal of expertise in the management of bonded warehousing services. This type of secured customs warehouse is a building or space designed for storing goods under customs control – with the deferred payment of import duties and taxes due until the goods are sold or removed from the customs (bonded) warehouse. Goods may also be re-exported without any duty or tax being paid. Bonded warehousing services also offer treasury advantages for goods stored in GEODIS facilities.

Temporary importation or exportation

Our temporary importation and exportation solutions help you import and export your goods on a limited timeline – without paying any duties or taxes – while complying with other local conditions. These solutions are managed by GEODIS experts as they optimize your international exchanges.


Blog Insights

E-commerce: six reasons to outsource your logistics

e-Commerce has enjoyed unprecedented growth over recent years. But faced with the new challenges inherent to online sales, including stock management, order preparation or the processing of customer returns, many companies have found themselves tied up with the many different facets of e-commerce logistics.
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