Agencies List

Name of agency Activity Address City Postal code Country
GEODIS | Distribution & Express - Agence de Brive (Ussac) Express & Parcels Delivery Centre Logistique de la Gare Ussac 19270 France
GEODIS | Freight Forwarding - Vadodara Air & Ocean Freight 113, K10 Grand, BH K10 Atlantis, Nr. Genda Circle, Sarabhai Campus, Wadiwali Vadodara 390007 India
GEODIS - VAL-DE-REUIL (Contract Logistics) Contract Logistics ZI Pharmaparc - Chaussée du village VAL-DE-REUIL 27100 France
GEODIS - Freight Forwarding - Valencia Air & Ocean Freight Calle Doctor J.J. Domine, nº1 - Planta 8 Valencia 46011 Spain
France Express - Agence de Valenciennes Express & Parcels Delivery Rue Jean Marie Frouin Valenciennes 59309 France
GEODIS | Road Transport - VALLADOLID Road Transport Avenida Del Euro, nº 7, Edificio B Of 201 VALLADOLID 47009 Spain
GEODIS | Distribution & Express - Agence de Vannes Express & Parcels Delivery Z.I. du Prat - Rue Gontran Bienvenu Vannes 56000 France
GEODIS | Distribution & Express - Agence de Nevers Express & Parcels Delivery Z.I. Les Chamonds Varennes-Vauzelles 58640 France
GEODIS - VAULX MILIEU (Contract Logistics) Contract Logistics ZAC du Parc Techologique de l'Isle d'Abeau VAULX MILIEU 38090 France
GEODIS | Freight Forwarding - Vejle Air & Ocean Freight Logistikvej 4 Vejle 7100 Denmark
GEODIS | Road Transport - VENISSIEUX Road Transport 14, rue Eugène Hénaff VENISSIEUX 69636 France
GEODIS | Contract Logistics - Venlo Contract Logistics Popeweg 68 Venlo 5928 SC Netherlands
GEODIS | Contract Logistics - Venlo Contract Logistics Piri Reisweg 2 Venlo 5928 LB Netherlands
GEODIS | Contract Logistics - Venlo Contract Logistics Columbusweg 16 Venlo 5928 LC Netherlands
GEODIS | Contract Logistics - Venlo Contract Logistics Tasmanweg 14 - PO Box 3350 Venlo 5928 LH Netherlands
GEODIS | Contract Logistics - Venlo Contract Logistics Columbusweg 33A - PO Box 3350 Venlo 5928 LA Netherlands
GEODIS | Contract Logistics - Venlo Contract Logistics Columbusweg 24 - PO Box 3350 Venlo 5928 LC Netherlands
GEODIS | Contract Logistics - Vescovana Contract Logistics Viale Europa 15 Vescovana 35040 Italy
GEODIS | Road Transport - VILADECAVALLS Road Transport Polígono Industrial Can Trias, C/ Miguel Servet, s/n VILADECAVALLS 08232 Spain
GEODIS - VILLABE (Contract Logistics) Contract Logistics ZAC des Brateaux VILLABE 91100 France
GEODIS | Freight Forwarding - Villahermosa Air & Ocean Freight AVENIDA PROLONGACION 27 DE FEBRERO 2991 Villahermosa 86035 Mexico
GEODIS | Contract Logistics - Villamuriel de Cerrato Contract Logistics Pol. Ind. El Arriero Ctra. Villamuriel de Cerrato 34190 Spain
GEODIS | Distribution & Express - Agence de Nancy (Ville-en-Vermois) Express & Parcels Delivery 8, rue de la Moussière Ville-en-Vermois 54210 France
France Express - Ville-en-Vernois Express & Parcels Delivery 8, rue de la Moussière Ville-en-Vernois 54210 France
France Express - Ville-la-Grand Express & Parcels Delivery 24, rue de Montréal Ville-la-Grand 74100 France