GEODIS recognized once again by EcoVadis for its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR)
EcoVadis, the first collaborative platform providing assessments of the sustainable development performance of businesses, has attested GEODIS to be in the top 9% of all suppliers evaluated in recognition of the excellence of its Corporate Social Responsibility policy. As in 2015, GEODIS is rated at “Advanced” level and its CSR policy as “Gold”.

GEODIS remains in first place in its category out of the 252 companies assessed. The Group ranks in the top 9% of the suppliers evaluated by EcoVadis, all categories included.
In the EcoVadis grading system, “Advanced” level means that GEODIS’ strategy is based on a “structured CSR approach, quantified commitments, tangible actions on all issues, detailed information on the implementation of actions, CSR reporting and performance indicators”.
The assessment reflects the extensive work carried out by GEODIS on CSR topics over several years. “Corporate Social Responsibility involves taking on board environmental, social and societal concerns on a company-wide basis in our economic activities and interactions with various stakeholders, both external (clients, service providers...) and internal (shareholder, employees…),” says Marie-Christine Lombard, Chief Executive Officer of GEODIS. “We address these various challenges through a concrete CSR policy and a systematic and structured approach as we strive to be the leading partner for our customers sustainable growth, and we are proud of being recognized as such by EcoVadis.”
The EcoVadis assessment addresses four topics – environmental, social, business ethics, and responsible purchasing – and 21 criteria.
The score attributed to GEODIS breaks down as follows:
- Environment: 80/100.
In this topic, GEODIS rates in the top 1% of the suppliers evaluated by EcoVadis. The Group’s strong points are its involvement in external initiatives (including the Global Logistics Emissions Council and the Clean Cargo Working Group), the content of its CSR report, and the quality of its CSR reporting, consistent with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)* guidelines. EcoVadis also stressed the implementation of CO2 reporting for customers, the regular renewal of the fleet and its equipment, and initiatives on reducing environmental impact (CO2, noise, waste ...).
- Social: 70/100.
GEODIS ranks in the top 2% of the suppliers evaluated, in particular on the strength of the implementation of Investors in People (IIP)** certification, regular training on health and safety at work for its drivers, the results of employee satisfaction surveys, as well as special measures introduced to foster the integration of people with disabilities.
- Business ethics: 40/100.
EcoVadis highlighted the Group’s alert procedures, internal audits on the fight against corruption, and the e-learning module on the main points of business ethics.
- Responsible purchasing: 60/100.
For EcoVadis, GEODIS’ strong points are the integration of environmental and social criteria in contracts and supplier assessments.
* The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a structure of stakeholders and partners (from the world of business, audit firms, government representatives, and organizations working in human rights, the environment and labor) that creates a common framework for the drafting of sustainable development reports.
**GEODIS is committed to an official policy of certification by a recognized international standard on the management of human resources and has chosen Investors in People accreditation.
#Corporate Social Responsibility