GEODIS in Italy wins the "Logistics of the year" award for the sixth year in a row
GEODIS's Contract Logistics Line of Business received the "Logistics of the Year 2015" award for the "IiP – Investors in People" project

GEODIS's Contract Logistics Line of Business received the "Logistics of the Year 2015" award for the "IiP – Investors in People" project, which was presented at the end of the "New markets: logistics for exports" conference held on November 27 at the Palazzo Cusani in Milan.
Founded and organized by Assologistica, the award is the main third party logistics award in Italy. In its 11th year, it included the most important national and international logistics operators.
This year, the company set itself apart by obtaining the IiP Certification (Investors in People), a certificate that very few companies can boast of having due to the high standards it imposes. IiP is a management tool for improving the organization's performance via its employees which is based on internationally recognized standards of managerial best practices. There are 10 indicators to be met for certification which are divided into three phases (planning - action - review). They cover various aspects such as recognition of its employees' skills, their integration in the decision-making process, and measuring the impact of training on company performance.
#Logistics expertise