
Four Benefits of Robots in Your Warehouse

GEODIS began the search for a safe, scalable and productive solution that was fairly easy to implement and required minimal training.
Inventory by drone

At GEODIS, Warehouse inventory by drones is under way

GEODIS has been experimenting with warehouse inventory by drones for almost two years now.
Logistics automation: the end of the traditional warehouse?

Logistics automation: the end of the traditional warehouse?

No to standardization, yes to tailor-made!

Philippe by Philippe de Carné

The challenges of investing in warehouse automation

The challenges of investing in warehouse automation

How can you mitigate the risk before taking the leap?
Véhicules autonomes et robots collaboratifs : des solutions d’avenir en entrepôt

Autonomous vehicles and collaborative robots: solutions for warehouses today

Longtime symbols of a science-fiction future, robots and autonomous vehicles are now a reality with considerable potential to transform industry and logistics chains.
Three great reasons to enhance your warehouse with robots

Three great reasons to enhance your warehouse with robots

Antoine Pretin by Antoine Pretin

Logistics automation GEODIS robots Geek + Hong Kong

Logistics automation: 4 key factors to consider before investing

Overcome warehouse management headaches, by making sure you invest for the future.
transport management vaccin

Blockchain: logistics innovation to transport vaccines

Learn how blockchain has boosted traceability and responsiveness in vaccine transportation

Francois Bottin by François Bottin

woman in an automation warehouse

What are the key benefits of an automated warehouse?

Optimal inventory management, reduced operational costs, customer satisfaction and more.
Automotive: 4 solutions for making your supply chain more flexible

Automotive: 4 solutions for making your supply chain more flexible

In 2017, the automotive market grew for the fourth year in a row to reach 97.3 million vehicles (+ 2.4% vs. 2016). This trend vindicates

Switching to a 3PL & investing in warehouse automation

Switching to a 3PL & investing in warehouse automation

Significantly reduce costs and risks with a thoughtfully prepared automation business case
Investing in warehouse automation

Investing in warehouse automation

Choosing the right technology mix in a market where there’s no standard configuration

GEODIS Data journey

How critical is the control of our data to the achievement of the group's ambitions?

by Pierre Lenclud

8 easy cybersecurity tips to protect your logistics data

8 easy cybersecurity tips to protect your logistics data

Be cyber smart: all you need to know to keep your logistics data protected.

Jay Mia by Jay Mia

Artificial intelligence for inventory management

How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Logistics ?

The benefits of AI: from inventory management to delivery optimization

Pierre Lenclud by Pierre Lenclud

Person who follows on a tablet his logistic flows in real time

How are innovation and digital responding to supply chain disruptions?

The ability to innovate is key in the ultra-competitive world of logistics

benoit Tiers by Benoît Tiers

How Good Data (and Understanding It) Can Help Build Your Brand

How Good Data (and Understanding It) Can Help Build Your Brand

In this article, we explore how Retail Consolidation Services often utilize data to maximize the efficiency of your supply chain.

Evan Glick by Evan Glick

Transport companies and cyberrisk

Transport companies and cyber-risk: 3 questions to Trellix, cybersecurity specialist

Mo Cashman by Mo Cashman

Lady preparing orders in an automated warehouse

Logistics: four questions to help you understand the challenges of digitalization

Digitalization, data and automation… A comparative interview with two logistics experts

by Antoine Pretin - Thomas Larrieu

Switching to a 3PL and investing in warehouse automation

Switching to a 3PL & investing in warehouse automation

Significantly reduce costs and risks with a thoughtfully prepared automation business case

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