Ethics and Compliance
Our commitment to Ethics and Compliance
At GEODIS, a commitment to our strong ethical principles and a respect for law and international standards are key prerequisites for doing business. We maintain integrity in all that we do as we support clients in mastering regulatory constraints.
Ethical alert system (“whistleblowing”)
In compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 24/2023 implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law and national regulatory provisions, GEODIS in Italy has dedicated internal reporting channels. These reporting channels, available at the links below, allows for the submission of new reports on ethical issues or to stay updated on an already submitted report:
The Company's Whistleblowing Procedures regulates in detail the process of receiving, handling and processing reports adopted.
Whistleblowing GEODIS CL Italia SpA
Whistleblowing GEODIS FF Italia SpA
GEODIS Italy Code of Ethics
Our Code of Ethics is the cornerstone of GEODIS' Ethics and Compliance approach. This document defines the principles to be implemented in all operations, as well as the organization responsible for ensuring that this takes place. It expresses the Group’s commitment to act as a trusted partner, responsible towards each of its stakeholders in civil society, business partners, shareholders, and employees.
GEODIS CL Italia SpA – Code of Ethics
GEODIS FF & Holding Italia SpA – Code of Ethics
Organization, Management and Control Model D.Lgs.231/01
GEODIS has always oriented its activities towards the highest ethical standards, drawing inspiration from the fundamental principles enshrined in the Group's Code of Ethics. In this context, each company in Italy - and specifically GEODIS Holding Italia S.p.A., GEODIS CL Italia S.p.A. and GEODIS FF Italia S.p.A. - adopted a formal Organization, Management and Control Model, in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/2001. The Model is intended to formalize the principles, rules, and existing procedures/practices aimed at preventing unlawful conduct by employees/managerial persons and third parties with whom each company has contractual relationships, in the performance of their respective activities.