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Informative note

May 15th, 2023


Following the provisions of the Guardia di Finanza on May 04th, 2023, Geodis CL Italia SpA hereby announces that the product UNIVERSAL MULTILEVER ADAPTER (travel adapter model 6769 customs code 85044082) brand G&BL S.r.l. due to a technical defect causing electric shock has been withdrawn from the market as of March 02, 2023 as a product not in compliance with European regulations.

Anyone in possession of the product is requested to contact the Bankruptcy Curator of G&BL S.r.l., Avv. Sandra D'Amico, via Crescienzio 43 Rome, tel. 06 6833687, PEC: [email protected].


Geodis CL Italia SpA
Country Managing Director
Fabrizio Airoldi

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