
In this section we help you better understand free trade zones (FTZ), customs services, control towers, cross-border logistics rules, and country trade laws.

De Minimis Tax Thresholds and Cross-Border E-commerce

De Minimis Tax Thresholds and Cross-Border E-commerce

Approaches to De Minimis tax thresholds is a growing subject of interest within cross-border e-commerce.
Supply chain compliance: a key success factor for cross-border business

Supply chain compliance: a key success factor for cross-border business

Discover why you should implement an effective Internal Compliance Program (ICP) and how.

KC Chang by Kian Chuan CHANG

Energie alternative

Alternative energies: when GEODIS runs on natural gas

We have been committed to the use of vehicles running on natural gas since they first appeared over ten years ago, and GEODIS now has