GEODIS receives TAPA certification for its Rotterdam warehousing facility
GEODIS has been awarded TAPA C certification for its warehouse in Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Handing out the certificate, the Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA) confirmed the robust security standards of this GEODIS facility.

The TAPA FSR C certificate is provided to facilities that match best international security requirements for theft- sensitive cargo in ocean freight. It does not only entail the physical elements that one would expect from building security, but also procedural aspects, such as screening of staff, access control and many other elements. As such TAPA FSR C is best practice for companies that acknowledges the importance of a holistic security approach.
“Our TAPA-C certification shows proof of our dedication to improve the GEODIS service levels for our customers, and at the same time we are confident that it will support the growth of our business”, comments Peter van Dongen, Quality Manager for the Freight Forwarding Line of Businness of GEODIS in the Netherlands.
FSR stands for Facility Security Requirements, and it defines the standards for best practises in terms of security for facilities storing and handling HVTT (High Value Theft Targeted) assets. FSR certifications apply to individual facilities, not to entire companies. Facilities must receive FSR certification through an audit process from a TAPA-approved auditor. The certification is valid for three years.