Ethics and Compliance
Our commitment to Ethics and Compliance
At GEODIS, a commitment to our strong ethical principles and a respect for law and international standards are key prerequisites for doing business. We maintain integrity in all that we do as we support clients in mastering regulatory constraints.
A strong corporate compliance program
GEODIS uses a comprehensive program deployed across all lines of business to closely monitor the adoption of ethical principles for operations. At the same time, we have the utmost respect for international regulations, especially when it comes to fighting corruption, competition, data protection and export control. This ensures business compliance in all that we do.
In 2003, we further strengthened our efforts in this area by joining the United Nations’ Global Compact, which called upon companies around the world to take measures in areas such as protection of Human Rights and protecting the environment. In 2009, our strong commitment took shape with the publication and distribution of our Code of Ethics. We regularly update this Code, we make sure every employee has a copy, and we enforce it through training sessions for all of our staff.
The eight components of GEODIS’ Ethics & Compliance approach
We drive commitment in this area through eight separate components.
Commitment by the management team
We communicate Group management's strong stance in favor of Ethics and Compliance clearly and often. Management also actively approves and monitors all Ethics and Compliance actions.
Code of Ethics
The management of each GEODIS entity is responsible for disseminating the Code and supplementary documents (our tool kit on the fight against corruption, competitive practices, etc.). This cascades awareness throughout all levels of our company to ensure effective implementation within operations.
Dedicated resources
GEODIS' Executive Board has set up a dedicated team to develop and support this approach to Ethics and Compliance. This team works with a network of correspondents and contacts across our lines of business and geographic areas.
Risk assessment
The Ethics and Risk Board manages and regularly updates our risk mapping approach and its corresponding action plans.
Training programs
Our training programs ensure that all employees are trained appropriately and made aware of this topic via specific modules and sessions. These programs are the subject of regular campaigns with tailored content. The topic of Ethics and Compliance is also part of our employee integration process and the annual appraisal meeting that each manager carries out with their teams.
Disciplinary procedures
Management’s commitment to Ethics and Compliance is clear and unequivocal. Any violation of the rules set by the Group will be punished. This rigor is crucial to guarantee the implementation of the Group's commitment by all stakeholders.
Suppliers and partners
GEODIS implements evaluation procedures primarily aimed at assessing the reputation and integrity of our suppliers and partners. This ensures that operations and the logistics chain are free from impropriety. A Suppliers’ Code of Conduct clearly states GEODIS’ expectations.
Ethical alert system (“whistle blowing”)
We have implemented a worldwide "whistle blowing" system that allows each employee to share concerns or suspicions of infractions without fear of reprisals. This system can also be accessed by GEODIS partners (clients, suppliers, subconctractors, etc.). The system can be reached at: alert.geodis.com.
Our Ethics and Risk Board
GEODIS introduced an Ethics and Risk Board in 2010. This Board defines and directs the Group’s decisions related to Ethics & Compliance, risk management and prevention. It also ensures the implementation of the principles outlined in GEODIS’ Code of Ethics. Its primary missions are to:
- Determine the ethical principles that will guide decision-making and the manner in which operations are carried out;
- Oversee the dissemination of the principles in the Code of Ethics across the entire organization and the Group’s business partners;
- Recommend and ensure developments in the Ethics and Compliance program (procedures, training, communication, etc.) and ensure that it is in line with the Group’s values;
- Analyze any potential or proven risk and choose preventive or corrective actions to be taken by the Group;
- Make statement about matters submitted.
The Ethics and Risk Board is chaired by the Chief Executive Officer, ’and its role is to incorporate ethics into the Group’s culture. It confirms our commitment to healthy and sustainable growth for the benefit of our various stakeholders. It is composed of several members of the Management Board and of the management :
- Corporate Secretary, member of the Management Board
- Chief Financial Officer, member of the Management Board
- Director, Ethics and Compliance
- Vice President, Human Resources, member of the Management Board
- Director, Safety and Security
- Director, Internal Auditing
GEODIS' Code of Ethics
Our Code of Ethics is the cornerstone of GEODIS' Ethics and Compliance approach. This document defines the principles to be implemented in all operations, as well as the organization responsible for ensuring that this takes place. It expresses the Group’s commitment to act as a trusted partner, responsible towards each of its stakeholders in civil society, business partners, shareholders, and employees.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct
Our Supplier Code of Conduct spells out GEODIS’ Code of Ethics for suppliers, subcontractors and partners. It clearly states our expectations in terms of respect for Human Rights and fundamental freedoms, sanitation, health and safety, fighting corruption, competition, applicable export laws and regulations, confidentiality, ecology and sub-contracting.
Would you like more information about Ethics and Compliance at GEODIS? If so, please contact us at [email protected].