Air Fuel Surcharge

Due to regulations and fluctuating prices, GEODIS applies fuel surcharges for express international Air Freight services.
September 2024: 26.50%


The surcharge used for Fly Express service will be based on the U.S. Gulf Coast (USGC) prices for kerosene-type jet fuel reported by the U.S. Department of Energy.


The monthly rate of fuel surcharge for air flow in month M is based on the average monthly rate for month M-2 and applied according to the grid below:


U.S. Gulf Coast Kerosene -

Type Jet Fuel (dollars per gallon)

 At least: But less than:
$ 2.32$ 2.3525.75%
$ 2.35$ 2.3826.00%
$ 2.38$ 2.4126.25%
$ 2.41$ 2.4426.50%
$ 2.44$ 2.4726.75%
$ 2.47$ 2.5027.00%
$ 2.50$ 2.5327.25%



  • USGC Kerosene April 2024 : $ 2.605
  • Air Fuel Surcharge for June 2024: 28,25%


These provisions, which comply with Law no. 2006-10 of 5 January 2006, are legally binding. GEODIS reserves the right to modify or alter calculation methods at any time without prior notice.