GEODIS highly rated for its Corporate Social Responsibility approach (CSR)
The collaborative platform EcoVadis has awarded GEODIS a score of 68/100, after analyzing its entire Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. EcoVadis assesses companies on environmental, social, ethical and supply chain issues. With this score, it has placed the Group among the best in its overall rankings..

The EcoVadis report describes the GEODIS’ CSR approach as “Advanced”. It also considers the strategy adopted by GEODIS to be based on “a structured CSR approach, quantified commitments, tangible action on all issues, detailed information on the implementation of these actions and precise CSR reporting, as well as use of performance indicators". The score obtained this year is the highest ever obtained by GEODIS since its first voluntary participation in the EcoVadis assessment. This result underlines a continuous improvement in its CSR processes and actions. It also reflects the success of extensive work conducted over several years on CSR topics within the Group.
“GEODIS develops innovative responses to environmental and social challenges through the collective day-to-day efforts of its employees. These efforts promote sustainable development and are rooted firmly in the business ethics of our Lines of Business, their processes and organizations," says Marie-Christine Lombard, CEO of GEODIS. “Our ambition is to position ourselves as the sustainable growth partner of our customers."
"The assessment by EcoVadis is a voluntary undertaking that we adopted in order to satisfy our customers, who were seeking a clearer picture of our CSR approach," continues Régis Lesieux, Business Excellence & CSR Vice President, GEODIS. “Just as we ask our suppliers to have their CSR policies assessed, we want to provide our customers with a precise indicator of our own performance in this field. The fact that our CSR approach has been praised by EcoVadis – particularly with respect to our commitment to fighting climate change – is a real source of pride for us and underlines the commitment of our workforce.”
The EcoVadis assessment is based on 21 criteria covering four areas of activity: environment, social issues, ethics/fair business practices and supply chain. The assessment of the GEODIS’ approach can be broken down as follows:
- Environment:
In this area, EcoVadis highlighted the level carbon reporting provided by GEODIS for its customers and the regular renewal of its fleet and fleet equipment along with initiatives to reduce environmental impact (CO2, noise, waste, etc.).
- Social:
The Group primarily owes its good results in this field to its many initiatives to promote employee health and safety: OHSAS 18001 certification, regular training for drivers on health and safety in the workplace and regular health checks.
- Business ethics:
EcoVadis underlined the significant measures deployed by GEODIS in the field of IT security in order to protect its data. It also praised the updating of the GEODIS Code of Ethics, the quality of whistle-blowing procedures and the internal audits relating to the fight against corruption.
- Supply chain:
EcoVadis identified a number of strong points manifested by GEODIS, primarily the inclusion of environmental and social criteria in contracts, as well as supplier assessments, particularly with respect to vehicle acquisition.
EcoVadis is the first collaborative platform providing sustainability ratings and performance improvement tools for global supply chains. Over 20,000 companies use EcoVadis to reduce risk, drive innovation and foster transparency and trust within business partnerships.
To discover the GEODIS CSR report, click here.
#Corporate Social Responsibility