

GEODIS in the U.S. Fulfills 2.5 Million Orders Over the Holiday Shopping Period


GEODIS announced a record breaking fulfillment performance for the 2016 holiday shopping season with 2.5 million orders shipped in the U.S. over the 5-day shopping period from Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday.


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Across its 38M square feet, GEODIS saw an increase of 10% year over year in ecommerce orders. This increase came from growth in current and new customers and was supported by the collaboration between GEODIS’ warehouse operations and technology support teams.


“Consumer’s expectations are higher than ever when ordering goods online and it becomes more intense during the holidays” said Mike Honious, Chief Operating Officer, for the Contract Logistics Line of Business in the U.S for GEODIS. “When fulfilling orders for top retailers and e-tailers, it is imperative our operations and technology teams perform collaboratively to our peak plans to ensure we execute at the highest level.”


The National Retail Federation (NRF) forecasted this year’s holiday sales to increase 3.6%, significantly higher than the 10-year average of 2.5%. Non-store sales (online shopping) are forecasted to increase 7-10% which is driving a good portion of the overall growth.  


This growth each year has led to a high demand for skilled seasonal labor, which GEODIS is dependent upon for success during peak season. “Without our employees, we would not be capable of supporting an order volume ten times our average daily volume,” said Honious. “While the collaboration between operations and our customers is extremely critical, our success would not be possible without having the right people and technology to get these orders processed and fulfilled on time.”


#Success story