“Food Bank Support Partner”: GEODIS is awarded the label Entreprise Solidaire des Banques Alimentaires


GEODIS has made a long-term commitment to the Fédération Française des Banques Alimentaires (the French Federation of Food Banks) to transport donations to Ukrainian refugees free of charge.



In March, Marie-Christine Lombard, Chief Executive Officer of GEODIS, announced that the Group would offer its logistical capabilities to provide aid to the Ukrainian population.


As part of its partnership with the French Federation of Food Banks, GEODIS is providing operational, technical and logistical support free of charge to deliver carefully selected donations to meet the needs of refugees in France and in the countries bordering Ukraine (packs of infant formula, canned food, pallets of hygiene and healthcare products, etc.). The Group will continue its action in the coming months to meet these needs. 


Marie-Christine Lombard said: “On behalf of our teams at GEODIS, I am proud to receive the Food Bank Support Partner label, which reflects the dedication of our employees who are happy to contribute their know-how in organizing transport to support emergency aid on the borders of Ukraine. Working together, we can make a difference in this humanitarian effort.”


Laurence Champier, Director General of the French Federation of Food Banks, added: “GEODIS’s commitment strengthens our emergency food aid actions in support of Ukrainian refugees. This valuable partnership, which is on an unprecedented scale for our network, is enabling us to intensify the delivery of donations.” 


GEODIS also provides logistics support to the French-Ukrainian association Tryzub, which is collecting food, medical equipment and camping equipment, as well as to AMC (Aide Médicale et Caritative) France-Ukraine and Doc4Ukraine, two associations that focus on medicines and medical equipment, by seeking donations from hospitals.


GEODIS best practices in aid & relief logistics 
1: Transport goods on a pull flow, not a push flow, basis  In liaison with humanitarian relief organizations fully aware of the real needs on the ground, GEODIS focuses on products and materials corresponding to the needs expressed in Ukraine and in the refugee camps, known as “pull flows”.2: Guarantee the safety of teams  Goods are planned to be transported as close as possible to the Ukrainian border, in Romania, Poland and Hungary, but without crossing into Ukraine.
3: Load full trucks To ensure optimal operations, GEODIS makes every effort to send only full trucks. Donations from multiple donors can be combined in the same load.4: Make a long-term commitment  In order to make the best possible use of all available resources, GEODIS offers professional advice to its partners, often volunteers, within the associations.