Transport Logistic 2015 forum takes place in Munich from 5th to 8th May. A good occasion for GEODIS to present its unified identity.
A new unified identity for GEODIS: unique branding will bring clarity and benefits to customers

GEODIS has united the commercial identity of its varied operations under a unique brand, reaffirming its position as a leader in the global freight transport and logistics sector. The existing brands, GEODIS Calberson, GEODIS Wilson, GEODIS BM, GEODIS Logistics and GEODIS Supply Chain Optimization, will disappear to be replaced by one stand-alone brand, GEODIS.
GEODIS sees the initiative as an opportunity to reaffirm its ability to deliver a comprehensive end-to-end supply chain management service to its customers in 120 countries. This will be delivered through its five Lines of Business: Supply Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express and Road Transport.
Alain Picard, Chief Executive Officer of SNCF Logistics and Chairman of the GEODIS Supervisory Board, commented: “In 2015, the SNCF Group is undergoing full-scale reorganization. The GEODIS initiative is consistent with Group policy, as regards a customer-centered approach, international development and the provision of end-toend solutions.”
The new branding also includes a revitalized logo and slogan, illustrating the GEODIS promise of performance and growth. The phrase reflects the GEODIS mission to help its customers succeed by overcoming logistical constraints: “We logistic your growth.”
Announcing the new strategy, Marie-Christine Lombard, Chief Executive Officer of GEODIS, said: “The evolution of our brand will unify the constituent parts of our Group and will clarify our common mission. This new brand architecture was designed with our clients’ needs for simplicity, efficiency and consistency at its core. It is a unique brand that bears the same promise for all of ourLines ofBusiness."
The new visual identity, including a modernized logo, signifies a common thread running through all the services offered by GEODIS. The brand architecture will be gradually rolled out from March 2015, appearing on all buildings, vehicles, uniforms and communications across GEODIS. To give life to the new brand identity, an advertising campaign (which includes print media, TV, web and airport display advertising) was launched in March in France and will also be launched in Germany, Poland, China and the United States through 2015 and 2016.