Geodis supervisor briefing a team of drivers


Une gouvernance forte

Au service d’un leader mondial

La gouvernance du Groupe est assurée par plusieurs instances de décision qui assurent l’équilibre des pouvoirs entre les différentes parties : Le Directoire, le Comité exécutif et le Conseil de surveillance

  • comite_executif.svg

    Comité Exécutif

  • conseil_de_surveillance.svg

    Conseil de surveillance

  • directoire.svg


Management Board

The Management Board sets the Group strategy and action plans. It is composed of 18 members.

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board exercises a control role over the management conducted by the Executive Board and ensures the proper functioning of the company. The Supervisory Board is composed of 8 directors, including 3 external directors. A representative from the European Coordination Council (CEC) also participates in the Board meetings.

Executive Board


The Executive Board is responsible for the management and direction of the company. It is placed under the control of the Supervisory Board. It is composed of two members.

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