Fast Moving Consumer Goods

Står du over for ustabile indkøbsfrekvenser og ordremængder? Lever varer på tværs af distributionskanaler på en smidig, bæredygtig og effektiv måde med FMCG-logistikløsninger.

Bedre speed-to-market for kampagner og lanceringer

Transportløsninger med lavt CO2-udslip

Fleksible lagertjenester

Sporbarhed i realtid og pålidelig fra start til slut

Kontakt vores Fast Moving Consumer Goods-eksperter

Vores eksperter vil give dig mere information om vores løsninger og ekspertise.

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Dette websted er beskyttet af hCaptcha og dets privatlivspolitik og servicevilkår gælder.

Cash-in på FMCG's omnichannel-mulighed


Er du træt af den daglige kamp for at sikre, at FMCG-produkter er tilgængelige på tværs af distributionskanaler - fysisk og online - og opretholde konkurrencedygtige priser i en VUCA-verden? GEODIS hjælper ved at optimere lagerbeholdningen på tværs af kanaler og lokationer og samtidig reducere CO2-fodaftrykket.


Vi håndterer skiftende ordremængder, især under kampagner og sæsonbestemte spidsbelastninger, med vores smidige og tilpassede løsninger. For at sikre datadrevet performance og robusthed i forsyningskæden kan du udnytte vores avancerede IT-værktøjer, globale account management-program og logistiknetværk.


Hvordan kan FMCG-virksomheder reducere CO2 og øge rentabiliteten?


GEODIS giver dig adgang til lagerbygninger med flere kunder, smart placeret og drevet af specialiseret personale. Vi tilbyder også en række skalerbare merværditjenester.

Tilpassede logistikløsninger

GEODIS tilbyder en række merværditjenester, der hjælper dig med at lokalisere og tilpasse din produktemballage og styre reklamekampagner.

Maksimal flow-synlighed

Hvor er min SKU? Brug vores globale service til sporing af produktleverancer og fejlfri styring af dine fysiske og administrative flows via en enkelt grænseflade.

Multimodale og grænseoverskridende transportløsninger

Håndtering af grænseoverskridende levering af FMCG-varer via forskellige transportformer; optimeret til specifikke tidsfrister, omkostninger og sæsoner; med toldklareringstjenester.


Hastighed til markedet

Gør dine produkter tilgængelige overalt og med det samme med GEODIS' fleksible transport- og logistiknetværk; selv i lyset af dramatiske udsving i efterspørgslen.



GEODIS muliggør fuld lagerbeholdningssynlighed på SKU-niveau på tværs af din globale forsyningskæde for at lette din daglige operationelle, taktiske og strategiske ledelse.


Ansvarlige løsninger

GEODIS tilbyder den højeste kvalitet af produkter og tjenester i overensstemmelse med sine CSR-forpligtelser (miljø, sociale og samfundsmæssige forhold og etik) i hele din værdikæde.


Afkodning af 'new-age' FMCG-logistik


Producenter af massemarkedsprodukter konfronteres i øjeblikket med krævende forbrugere i den nye detailæra, smidige digitale udfordrerbrands i alle brancher og stadig strengere regler.


Jeg søger en lokation i
United States (137 resultater)
Visning af liste
200 Tradeport Drive,Suite 400, 30354 Atlanta
200 Tradeport Drive, 30354 Atlanta
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
5200 Phillip Lee Dr, 30336 Atlanta
200 Tradeport Drive,Suite 400, 30354 Atlanta, GA
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
19755 East 35th Dr, 80011 Aurora
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
5000 Ameriport Pkwy, TX 77520 Baytown
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
5000 Ameriport Pkwy, 77520 Baytown
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1260 N Ellis St, 60106 Bensenville
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
4000 Township Line Road, 18017 Bethlehem
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
700 S Weber Rd, 60440 Bolingbrook
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
651 Boulder Drive, Ste 100, 18031 Breinigsville
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
7101 Executive Center Drive Suite 333, TN 37027 Brentwood
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
7101 Executive Center Drive, Suite 333, 37027 Brentwood
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
80 S Middlesex Road, Suite 4, 17015 Carlisle
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1485 Dennison Circle, 17013 Carlisle
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
70 Logistics Dr., 17013 Carlisle
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
2255 East 220th St., 90810 Carson
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
2116 E 220th Street, 90745 Carson
GEODIS | Freight Forwarding
2155 E. 220th Street, 90745 Carson
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1490 Nitterhouse Drive, 17201 Chambersburg
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
2999 Guilford Springs Rd, 17202 Chambersburg
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1440 Sheffler Dr, 17201 Chambersburg
4995 LaCross Road, Suite 1350, SC 29406 Charleston
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1800 Associates Lane Suite E, 28217 Charlotte
2000 Arthur AvenueSuite A, Elk Grove Village, 60007 Chicago
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
19430 E Arenth Ave, 91748 City of Industry
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1801 Innovation Blvd, IN 46118 Clayton
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
4314 East 5th Street, 43219 Columbus
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
301 W. Walnut Street, 90220 Compton
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
215 International Dr, 28025 Concord
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
570 South Avenue, 07016 Cranford
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
390 Congress Pkwy, 60012 Crystal Lake
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
4001 Adler Drive, 75211 Dallas
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
4040 Pipestone Rd, 75212 Dallas
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
3700 Pinnacle Point Drive, 75211 Dallas
GEODIS | Freight Forwarding
75 Northfield Avenue, 08837 Edison
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
75 Northfield Ave. Side A, 8837 Edison; NJ
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
349 Gateway Commerce Center Dr E, 62025 Edwardsville
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
#14 Gateway Commerce Center Drive, 62025 Edwardsville
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
4015 Lakeview Corporate Dr., 62025 Edwardsville
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
#18 Gateway Commerce Center Drive, East, 62025 Edwardsville
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
#21 Gateway Commerce Center Drive, 62025 Edwardsville
2000 Arthur AvenueSuite A, 60007 Elk Grove Village; IL
GEODIS | Supply Chain Optimization
1701 North Street, NY-13760 Endicott
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1100 Italian Way Bldg 1 & 2, 64024 Excelsior Springs
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
247 Kohlman Road, WI 54935 Fon du Lac
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
122 Kohlman Road, WI 54935 Fon du Lac
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
187 Kohlman Road, WI 54935 Fon Du Lac
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
13053 San Bernardino Ave, 92335 Fontana
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
13277 San Bernardino Avenue, 92335 Fontana
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
3501 Sandshell Drive, 76137 Fort Worth
GEODIS | Freight Forwarding
390 Franklin Ave, 11010 Franklin Square
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
390 Franklin Avenue, NY 11010 Franklin Square
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
2010 January Lane, 75050 Grand Prairie
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
#6 Konzen Court, 62040 Granite City
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
119 North Gate Industrial, 62040 Granite City
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
117 North Gate Industrial, 62040 Granite City
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1401 Highway 246 S, 29646 Greenwood
8210 Humble-Westfield RoadSuite 100, 77338 Houston
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1521 Greens Rd #100, 77032 Houston
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1720 Lewis Industrial Dr Ste 1, 32254 Jacksonville
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
780 Whittaker, 32218 Jacksonville
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
2780 McDonough St, 60436 Joliet
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
3285 DeForest Circle, 91752 Jurupa Valley
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1403 Fairfax Trafficway, 66115 Kansas City
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
8600 N E Underground Drive, Pillar 216, 64161 Kansas City
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
4101 Empire Road, 64120 Kansas City
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
27232 72nd Avenue, 98032 Kent
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
9750 Commerce Circle, 19530 Kutztown
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
3501 Midpoint Dr, 75134 Lancaster
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
2702 ENA Drive, 48917 Lansing
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
12135 Sara Road, 78045 Laredo
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
407 Sanford Road, TN 37086 LaVergne
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1050 International Drive, 37090 Lebanon
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1009 Commerce Way, 37090 Lebanon
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1750 Wayne Lanter Ave, 62060 Madison
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
6100 South International Pkwy, 78503 McAllen
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1793 State Route 42, 30253 McDonough
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
90 King Mill Road, 30253 McDonough
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
275 Declaration Drive, 30253 McDonough
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
100 Sterling Parkway, Suite 200, PA 17050 mechanics burg
GEODIS | Supply Chain Optimization
100 Sterling Parkway, STE 200, 17050 Mechanicsburg
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
5510 Holmes Road, 38141 Memphis
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
5540 Holmes Road, 38141 Memphis
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
5265 Hickory Hill Road, 38118 Memphis
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1825 NW 87th Ave, 33172 Miami
GEODIS | Freight Forwarding
1751 NW 129th Ave, Suite 100, 33182 Miami
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1 Costco Drive, 08831 Monroe Township
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
549A Aldi Blvd, 37122 Mt Juliet
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
390 Franklin Ave, Franklin Square, NY 11010 New York
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
888 Doremus Ave, 07114 Newark
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
5650 E Santa Ana St, 91761 Ontario
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
3645 E Philadelphia St, 91761 Ontario
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1401 Tradeport Dr., 32824 Orlando
GEODIS | Freight Forwarding
5101 S. Broad Street, 19112 Philadelphia
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
5101 South Broad St, 19112 Philadephia
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
6200 W Van Buren Street, 85043 Phoenix
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
281 Airtech Parkway STE 101, 46168 Plainfield
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
3870 S Ronald Reagan Parkway, 46168 Plainfield
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1101 Whitaker Road, 46168 Plainfield
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
2425 E Perry Road, 46168 Plainfield
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
2450 Stanley Road, 46168 Plainfield
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1251 South Perry Rd, 46168 Plainfield
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
281 Airtech Parkway STE 191, IN 46168 Plainfield
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1100 Whitaker Road, 46168 Plainfield
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1631 Opus Dr, 46168 Plainfield
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
8691 109th St, 53158 Pleasant Prairie
GEODIS | Supply Chain Optimization
2678 South Rd, Suite 104, Poughkeepsie, NY, NY-12601 Poughkeepsie
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
2678 South Road, Suite 104, 12601 Poughkeepsie
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
2455 South Road, Bldg 6, 12601 Poughkeepsie
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
2301 W San Bernardino Ave, 92374 Redlands
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1710 W Baseline Road, 92376 Rialto
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1580 Eastridge Avenue, 92507 Riverside
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
6677 Box springs Blvd, 92508 Riverside
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
24 Applegate Dr., 08691 Robbinsville Twp
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
99 North Pinnacle Drive, 60446 Romeoville
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
790 Taylor Rd., 60446 Romeoville
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1101 West Taylor Road, 60446 Romeoville
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
5325 Hellyer Avenue, Floor 2, 95138 San Jose
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
1740 Stewart Street, Suite 320, 90404 Santa Monica
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
2385 Tremont Rd, 31405 Savannah
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
600 Cottontail Lane, 08873 Somerset
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
366 Stateline Rd, 38671 Southaven
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
475 Lillard Drive, 89434 Sparks
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
620 Spice Islands Drive, 89431 Sparks
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
755 Lillard Drive, 89434 Sparks
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
450 Lillard Drive, 89434 Sparks
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
251 South McCarran Blvd, 89434 Sparks
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
2203 Sherrill Drive, 28625 Statesville
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
2601 Sherrill Drive, 28625 Statesville
GEODIS | Supply Chain Optimization
25700 Interstate 45, Suite 4086, 77386 The Woodlands
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
6130 Brent Drive, 43611 Toledo
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
495 S 99th Avenue, 85353 Tolleson
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
19400 S Western Avenue, 90501 Torrance
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
29700 S Graaskamp Blvd, IL 60481 Wilimgton
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
101 Sunridge Ave, 75172 Wilmer
GEODIS | Contract Logistics
100 Tyson Drive, 22603 Winchester
United States (137 resultater)
Visning af liste

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

For at forstå betydningen af FMCG-logistik skal du først forstå, hvad FMCG er. Dette akronym står for varer, der sælges hurtigt og til en lav pris, herunder drikkevarer, emballerede fødevarer, toiletartikler, rengøringsprodukter og produkter til personlig pleje. Og FMCG-logistik involverer alle de trin, der skal til for at få disse produkter hurtigt gennem forsyningskæden til kunderne via forskellige kanaler.

På et tempofyldt marked som FMCG kan det nogle gange være en kamp at holde trit med logistikefterspørgslen og glæde kunderne. Her er nogle af de største logistikudfordringer, som din virksomhed sandsynligvis vil stå over for:

  • Ude af stand til at opretholde en tilstrækkelig lagerbeholdning til at imødekomme svingende efterspørgsel
  • Kampe for at overholde branchens regler
  • Manglende synlighed af lager- og ordrestatus
  • Mangel på system- og dataintegration for at optimere hele forsyningskæden

Nogle af de KPI'er, du bør følge, når det drejer sig om logistik af kundevarer i hurtig bevægelse, er:


  • Leveret til tiden og fuldt ud
  • Tilgængelighed på hylden
  • Omkostninger i forsyningskæden
  • Bærende omkostninger ved lagerbeholdning
  • Gennemsnitlig tid til salg
  • Out-of-Stock Rate

FMCG-logistikken kan optimeres ved at vælge den rigtige leverandør af tredjepartslogistik (3PL). For at opnå de bedste resultater skal du outsource din supply chain management, lager og distribution, lagerstyring, ordreudførelse og leveringsoptimering til en 3PL som GEODIS.