
Choose ethical relations based on trust

One of our priority challenges 

GEODIS adheres to strict business ethics regarding competition and anti-corruption.


Committed to a responsible purchasing policy, the Group expects its suppliers and subcontractors to adhere to and act in accordance with its Supplier Code of Conduct. 


The Group is also committed to the protection of personal data and strives at all times to promote the principles of social and environmental responsibility among its stakeholders.

Responsible purchasing

GEODIS occupies a key position in global value chains and makes use of numerous suppliers and subcontractors.

Business integrity

GEODIS is committed to respecting the highest ethical standards in its relations with all its stakeholders. 

Data privacy protection

GEODIS’ data protection program is comprehensive, adaptive, and focused on ensuring the security and integrity of personal data.

Advocacy for CSR with our stakeholders

Promoting social and environmental principles to our stakeholders and to defend sustainable initiatives and policies are part of the Group’s responsibilities.   

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Responsible Purchasing 


GEODIS holds a vital role in global value chains, depending on numerous suppliers and subcontractors. Noncompliance on ethical, social, or environmental issues could lead to legal action and affect the Group's performance and customer satisfaction. To mitigate these risks, GEODIS must act responsibly and remain vigilant both as an employer and as a customer. Depending on the country and services, the Group may delegate work to subcontractors, provided they follow the third-party management program, which includes ethical and compliance requirements.   


GEODIS adopted a Code of Ethics back in 2009, which is the cornerstone of the Group’s ethics and compliance system. Outlining the Company’s values and commitments, it applies to all employees (including temporary or external workers present within the Group) as well as to members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. 


The Group has also introduced a third-party integrity verification process called “Know Your Business Partner” to supplement the verification procedures prescribed by local legislation. 


Compliance and business integrity  


Compliance and business integrity is a key driver of the Group. 

This is why GEODIS strives to continuously strengthen its ethics and compliance culture relying on its compliance network working very closely with the regions and lines of business in the whole Group

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Data protection  


In the course of its day-to-day activities, GEODIS processes, on a daily basis and throughout the world, personal data relating to its employees, its customers and its suppliers. GEODIS has implemented a complete data protection program in order to protect the privacy of the data subjects and to provide a trustworthy service to our partners. 


The Data Protection Office implements a unified global strategy across all regions and lines of business of the Group to ensure consistent data security and compliance.


Promoting CSR to our stakeholders   


We promote social and environmental principles to our stakeholders and get involved in industry bodies and working groups to defend sustainable initiatives and policies. It’s part of the Group’s responsibilities, in line with our Golden Rule to “be a good citizen.” 


The Group is committed to communicating its social responsibility and engaging in dialogue with its stakeholders to create and implement sustainable solutions. 

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