monitor and control tower computer

Freight Forwarding - Transport and Logistics

Our integrated supply chain Control Tower solution can monitor, coordinate and operationally handle your inbound and outbound freight shipping flows across all modes of transport. We’ll use our Control Tower logistics approach to coordinate suppliers across your chain as we book and monitor shipments, serve as a point of contact for all involved parties, measure and report performance and pre-validate shipping.

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A peace-of-mind solution

GEODIS can act as your peace-of-mind, single-point-of-contact for all of your transport-related matters:

  • We will book shipment and take responsibility for monitoring and follow-up
  • We will serve as your point of contact for shippers, consignees, carriers, authorities and other parties
  • We will measure carrier performance and validate carrier invoices prior to further invoicing to you.

You decide on the services we cover

Our flexible collaboration service is built on customer requirements: from basic to advanced Purchase Order Management. It can include supervision and the follow-up of planned ready dates, quantity control, and the planning of ad-hoc mode of transport changes to meet delivery deadlines.

More control – Transport Order Management

Did you know that we can take over your Transport Order Management activities? This is a perfect solution if you need all parties involved in your transportation chain to perform their tasks in a timely and consistent manner while providing full visibility, from booking to final delivery at destination. We will equip our Freight Forwarding Control Tower accordingly, including event and exception management.

monitor and control tower computer

Blog Insights

E-commerce: six reasons to outsource your logistics

e-Commerce has enjoyed unprecedented growth over recent years. But faced with the new challenges inherent to online sales, including stock management, order preparation or the processing of customer returns, many companies have found themselves tied up with the many different facets of e-commerce logistics.
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