How can I report damage to goods after the driver has left ?

If you notice any damage to the goods delivered after the driver has left, always try to contact your supplier or your merchant site, which is your commercial point of contact.

Indeed, your commercial contract (order and financial payment) binds you exclusively to this company, which will work with you to organise the possibility of compensation and/or the replacement of your goods.

To report reservations after delivery, you should send your complaint to your supplier within 3 clear days after the delivery date (or 7 days for international shipments).

It will be legally considered as a “reasoned objection”.

This post-delivery procedure gives you the opportunity to seek redress if you can prove that the carrier was responsible for the damage you are claiming.

Based on these elements, if your supplier considers that we are liable, it will contact our services and we will study your case together.

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